

  • 时间1618 - 1667
  • 的地方
  • 国家英格兰


考利出生于伦敦,父亲是一位书商。他曾就读于威斯敏斯特学校和剑桥大学三一学院。1640年,他被任命为三一学院的研究员,但在1644年被驱逐,因为他是保皇党,两年前他还写了一部戏剧供国王表演。他住在保皇党的大本营牛津,后来逃离内战,加入了法国巴黎的流亡者团体。他曾担任女王侍从杰米恩勋爵的秘书。他还在女王玛丽亚·亨丽埃塔的命令下承担了各种外交任务,他正式担任女王的密码秘书。1654年,他回到伦敦,可能是执行任务,被捕并被短暂监禁。他在十岁时就写了第一首诗《皮拉摩斯和忒斯比》(1628),他的《诗花》(1633)使他成为一个早熟的天才。他是一位有名的诗人,1656年出版了他的诗集,同年他决定去牛津大学学医。虽然他在1657年获得了医学博士学位,但他从未行医。 The 1660 Restoration of Charles II brought him great joy and he celebrated the event in one of his best-known odes, Upon the Blessed Restoration and Return of His Sacred Majesty Charles the Second. Though he was given back his Fellowship at Cambridge in 1661, he did not receive the royal favours he might have expected. He retired to Chertsey, Surrey, from where he gave continued support to the Royal Society of Science he had helped founded. So great was his esteem that when he died he was laid to rest next to Chaucer and Spenser at Westminster Abbey.