


燕子逃到哪里去了?冻死了,也许,在某个荒凉的、狂风暴雨的海岸上。啊,怀疑的心!远在紫色的海洋上,他们在阳光下悠闲地等待,和煦的南风,把他们带回北方的家园。为什么花儿一定要死?监狱?他们躺在冰冷的坟墓里,不顾眼泪和雨水。啊,怀疑的心!他们只睡在柔软的白色雪下,当冬天的风吹来,很快又会对你微笑。许多天以来,太阳隐藏了它的光芒; Will dreary hours never leave the earth? O doubting heart! The stormy clouds on high Veil the same sunny sky, That soon (for spring is nigh) Shall wake the summer into golden mirth. Fair hope is dead, and light Is quench?d in night. What sound can break the silence of despair? O doubting heart! Thy sky is overcast, Yet stars shall rise at last, Brighter for darkness past, And angels? silver voices stir the air.