


有一种力量,它的灵感充满了大自然美丽的肌理,太阳和星星交织在一起,就像空气中的露珠在一滴一滴的蒸馏中,就像芬芳在盛开的花朵中,就像一种看不见的东西,渗透在万物之中,成为万物加速的脉搏、原则和灵魂。现在时,老希望更新的漂移,温暖的潮汐在山谷和现场向北流,当那些被遗忘了的声音和气味的吸引从deep-chambered深处长密封等的记忆再一次呼吸的童年和快乐的色彩穿,现在的热情从未在年过去了,它激起我回应,——不是作为一个力量的喷泉在目光敏锐的思维能力,主题与他们黑暗和腐烂,但绝对的东西,远处的某种东西,常常相遇,像温柔的圆球,似乎从苍白的地平线上窥见,在黄昏时分,在一些彩色的云的边缘后面发光;在这生机盎然的一年的洪流中,当林间溪流边的游子,在那些使青春最可爱的深切关怀中,大自然似乎在每一个平凡的方面评论着他胸中的重负——他所渴望的欢乐和他所梦想的——于是,在灿烂的天空下,一个人与他一起欢笑或叹息,它穿过丁香芬芳的空气,田野上的祝福,到处都是奇迹。精神的美,他的甜蜜的冲动,把喜欢的玫瑰花黎明隔海相望,可以独自冲高举意识与轴的明智的神,世界的光,基本可爱:他的缪斯使你从她的路径和温柔precepture出家人不庸俗与结束,也没有打破魔咒,教他第一感觉你的秘密魅力和在地球,服从他们的诱惑,他们甜蜜的惊喜和无尽的奇迹,永远不知足的武器于跟随。在夏日的午后,从蔚蓝的地平线到海岸,像月亮一样,在海洋那玻璃般斑驳的地面上,划出一道淡淡的银色小路,远处的云朵高高升起,它们那闪闪发光的城垛,被吸引到某个阴冷的山峰上,当秋天的暮色在苍茫的山岗上渐行渐远,秋风依旧;去观察东方出现的迹象,冬天的卡佩拉星或昴宿星,或那个带着金齿轮的伟大猎人;在这样的时辰里,在你的宇宙神龛前,他感到被召唤的神灵在附近徘徊,他热情地站着。在孤独游荡的路上,星光灿烂的时光在他的额头上留下了清醒的印记,他用风与木、激流与山雨的踏声的和谐,把许多奉献的誓言混合在一起,把他留住,直到知道你最后的快乐,被束缚在为你服务,也只为你服务。我,也在选择追随你的道路的幻想人群中,为了一首歌卖掉了我的遗产,穿上了朴素的、卑微的朝圣者的丧服。 From that first image of beloved walls, Deep-bowered in umbrage of ancestral trees, Where earliest thy sweet enchantment falls, Tingeing a child's fantastic reveries With radiance so fair it seems to be Of heavens just lost the lingering evidence From that first dawn of roseate infancy, So long beneath thy tender influence My breast has thrilled. As oft for one brief second The veil through which those infinite offers beckoned Has seemed to tremble, letting through Some swift intolerable view Of vistas past the sense of mortal seeing, So oft, as one whose stricken eyes might see In ferny dells the rustic deity, I stood, like him, possessed, and all my being, Flooded an instant with unwonted light, Quivered with cosmic passion; whether then On woody pass or glistening mountain-height I walked in fellowship with winds and clouds, Whether in cities and the throngs of men, A curious saunterer through friendly crowds, Enamored of the glance in passing eyes, Unuttered salutations, mute replies, -- In every character where light of thine Has shed on earthly things the hue of things divine I sought eternal Loveliness, and seeking, If ever transport crossed my brow bespeaking Such fire as a prophetic heart might feel Where simple worship blends in fervent zeal, It was the faith that only love of thee Needed in human hearts for Earth to see Surpassed the vision poets have held dear Of joy diffused in most communion here; That whomsoe'er thy visitations warmed, Lover of thee in all thy rays informed, Needed no difficulter discipline To seek his right to happiness within Than, sensible of Nature's loveliness, To yield him to the generous impulses By such a sentiment evoked. The thought,