


海伦娜,我们相识已经十八年了!一个如此可爱的季节,你我都不会忘记,在那最炽烈的爱的黎明,那曾经相爱的年轻的脸庞。我们来回徘徊,谁不知道如何求爱,十八年前,亲爱的,当我和你在天堂的视线中交换了崇高的誓言,那几乎熬不过一个夏夜。是什么祸害从星星袭来,是什么疯狂从月亮降临?那天晚上我们打破了栅栏,那是典型的六月,当你和我在树下交换我们大胆的童贞。18年,18个月,还是18个小时?时间是暴君的玩具!花儿是永恒的!我们不过是男孩和女孩,可是——既然今晚爱跳得那么快,就像它从来没有离开过光明!因为南方的烈焰仍在燃烧着你残忍的头发,特洛伊的海伦的嘴还没有海伦的那么成熟和稀有——爱情和青春也没有海伦的那样为欲望而跳跃,为真理而悸动。 Helena, still we hold Flesh firmer, still we mix Black hair with hair as gold. Life has but served to fix Our hearts; love lingers on the tongue, And who loves once is always young. The stars are still the same; The changeful moon endures; Come without fear or shame, And draw my mouth to yours! Youth fails, however flesh be fain; Manhood and womanhood attain. Life is a string of pearls, And you the first I strung. You left -first flower of girls! - Life lyric on my tongue, An indefatigable dance, An inexhaustible romance! Blush of love's dawn, bright bud That bloomed for my delight, First blossom of my blood, Burn in that blood to-night! Helena, Helena, fiercely fresh, Your flesh flies fervent to my flesh. What sage can dare impugn Man's immortality? Our godhead swims, immune From death and destiny. Ignored the bubble in the flow Of love eighteen short years ago! Time -I embrace all time As my arm rings your waist. Space -you surpass, sublime, As, taking me, we taste Omnipotence, sense slaying sense, Soul slaying soul, omniscience.