


希腊人米南德说:“众神所爱的人早死。”他不仅把他的英语歌谣和剑献给了希腊,这句话也得到了回响,而且他“没有说过什么卑贱的话”,他的额头上,月桂理所当然地落到了你的头上——伟大的陛下,伟大的继承者——在诗中证实了“歌声的晨星”的誓言:“死在花丛中的人是最幸福的。”然而,在心灵尚未领悟人生的意义之前,放弃今生的华丽演出,可能是得而非失;让世界的美丽和慷慨,只看到一半,只看到一半,只感觉到一半,还不理解;放纵的春天的肥沃任性,夏日的深沉平静,完成任务的秋天的调适的喜悦,以及居家的冬天的怀孕的睡眠,四季的秘密?让爱的深度深不可测,让它的高度无法攀登,让喜与悲无法调和,让痛苦无法珍惜,无法理解?这是一种损失,一种损失而非收获,是对美好事物的彻底丧失,是被逐出伊甸园,尽管它的果实尚未品尝。请解释这句神谕:“众神所爱的人必英年早逝”,因为准确无误的歌是这样说的!……我是这样解释的:众神的宠儿英年早逝,因为他们不会因悲伤和时光的消磨而衰老,心中仍保留着四月的滋润,耳中仍保留着五月的乐声。 Their voice revives, Revives, rejuvenates, the wintry world, Flushes the veins of gnarled and knotted age, And crowns the majesty of life with leaves As green as are the sapling's. Thrice happy Poet! to have thus renewed Your youth with wisdom,-who, though life still seems To your fresh gaze as frolic and as fair As in the callow season when your heart Was but the haunt and pairing-place and nest Of nightingale and cuckoo, have enriched Joy's inexperienced warblings with the note Of mellow music, and whose mind mature, Laden with life's sustaining lessons, still Gleams bright with hope; even as I saw, to-day, An April rainbow span the August corn. Long may your green maturity maintain Its universal season; and your voice, A household sound, be heard about our hearths, Now as a Christmas carol, now as the glee Of vernal Maypole, now as harvest song. And when, like light withdrawn from earth to heaven, Your glorious gloaming fades into the sky, We, looking upward, shall behold you there, Shining amid the young unageing stars.