

  • 时间1880 - 1958
  • 的地方Wolverhamton
  • 国家英格兰


阿尔弗雷德·诺伊斯是阿尔弗雷德和阿米莉亚·亚当斯·诺伊斯的儿子。他于1880年9月16日出生在英格兰伍尔弗汉顿镇。他的父亲是一名教师,在威尔士的阿伯里斯特威斯教拉丁语和希腊语。1898年,阿尔弗雷德进入牛津大学埃克塞特学院学习。尽管没能获得学位,这位年轻的诗人还是在1902年出版了他的第一部诗集《岁月的织机》。1903年至1908年间,诺伊斯出版了五部诗集,包括《野百里香的森林》(1905年)和《旧日本之花及其他诗歌》(1907年)。他的书广受好评,并在英国和美国出版。他这一时期最著名的诗歌有《拦路人》和《德雷克》。《德雷克》连载在《布莱克伍德杂志》上,是一部200页的关于海上生活的史诗。诺伊斯于1907年与加内特·丹尼尔斯结婚,他们有三个孩子。 His increasing popularity allowed the family to live off royalty checks. In 1914, Noyes accepted a teaching position at Princeton University, where he taught English Literature until 1923. He was a noted critic of modernist writers, particularly James Joyce. Likewise, his work at this time was criticized by some for its refusal to embrace the modernist movement. In 1922 he began an epic called The Torch Bearers, which was published in three volumes (Watchers of the Sky, 1922; The Book of Earth, 1925; and The Last Voyage, 1930). The book was inspired by his visit to a telescope located at Mount Wilson, California and attempted to reconcile his views of science with religion. After the death of his wife, Garnett in 1926, Noyes converted to Roman Catholicism and married his second wife, Mary Angela Mayne Weld-Blundell. In 1929, the family moved to Lisle Combe, St Lawrence, Isle of Wight where Noyes continued to write essays and poems, culminating in the collection, Orchard's Bay (1939). Alfred Noyes died on June 25, 1958, and was buried on the Isle of Wight.