


一、走了,啊,温柔而真诚的心,希望的朋友,希望和美好的日子随你而去?当我们凝视过去的日子,我们看到了再也看不到的东西。灵魂如阳光下的露珠般清澈,为什么这么快就离开了,离开了我们所爱和所知的一切?2“朋友”的嘴唇,现在会把什么忧愁带给你?叹息和歌声把赞美和痛苦混在一起,尽管赞美上升?黑暗掩盖不了更可爱的头:亲爱的死去的朋友,为什么黑暗要这么快结束白昼呢?3亲爱的,在死亡中,你有你的角色,但在生命中,让那些抱着你温柔的心的人高兴,亲爱的。时间和机遇也许会使希望在悲伤中化为灰烬,死亡也许会使我们的手与手分离。记忆,虽然被泪水蒙蔽了双眼,却透过每一滴眼泪,看清了造就你的一切,亲爱的。 IV. True and tender, single-souled, What should memory do Weeping o'er the trust we hold True? Known and loved of few, But of these, though small their fold, Loved how well were you! Change, that makes of new things old, Leaves one old thing new; Love which promised truth, and told True. V. Kind as heaven, while earth's control Still had leave to bind Thee, thy heart was toward man's whole Kind. Thee no shadows blind Now: the change of hours that roll Leaves thy sleep behind. Love, that hears thy death-bell toll Yet, may call to mind Scarce a soul as thy sweet soul Kind. VI. How should life, O friend, forget Death, whose guest art thou? Faith responds to love's regret, How? Still, for us that bow Sorrowing, still, though life be set, Shines thy bright mild brow. Yea, though death and thou be met, Love may find thee now Still, albeit we know not yet How. VII. Past as music fades, that shone While its life might last; As a song-bird's shadow flown Past! Death's reverberate blast Now for music's lord has blown Whom thy love held fast. Dead thy king, and void his throne: Yet for grief at last Love makes music of his own Past.