


一月冰雹,一月,在你雪白的胸脯上,孕育着稚嫩的年华,哭泣着,颤抖着,等待着出生。冰雹,少女和母亲,坚强而明亮,戴着兜帽,披着斗篷,穿着白色的鞋子,她的眼睛是星星,与早晨相配。你的额顶着风暴的弯弓,你的脚点燃雪的星。二月,用哀泣的喜悦来迎接二月,它冰冷的手,引导年轻的年华,走过泥泞和雾蒙蒙的道路,在你苍白而断断不定的面庞前,尖啸的风吹散了云雾,穿过天空,晨曦难以攀爬。你的眼里噙满了沉重的泪水,却闪烁着希望,照亮了一年的希望。三月万岁,快乐的三月,你的脚步踏在大地上,响起了战争欢乐的号角,号角点燃了人们的心,准备战斗。没有任何一种有翅膀或有鳍的野生动物能与你的风的力量相媲美,使它飞过空气和海洋,飞过飞毛腿和浪花。强烈的欢乐和你是暴风雨和高耸的早晨所生的双生力量。四月加冕的四月,国王,你的吻让大地生出她最高贵的生命当莎士比亚从你的唇边吸了一口气,笑着用一只柔软的手捧着一个咒语,让世界的轮子站立,让生命的力量,也让死亡的力量,用炙热的太阳和灿烂的阵雨赞美他,你所有花中的花。五月,冰雹,五月,它的树皮为夏天扬帆起航; May, whom Chaucer hailed With all his happy might of heart, And gave thy rosebright daisy-tips Strange frarance from his amorous lips That still thine own breath seems to part And sweeten till each word they say Is even a flower of flowering May. JUNE Strong June, superb, serene, elate With conscience of thy sovereign state Untouched of thunder, though the storm Scathe here and there thy shuddering skies And bid its lightning cross thine eyes With fire, thy golden hours inform Earth and the souls of men with life That brings forth peace from shining strife. JULY Hail, proud July, whose fervent mouth Bids even be morn and north be south By grace and gospel of thy word, Whence all the splendour of the sea Lies breathless with delight in thee And marvel at the music heard From the ardent silent lips of noon And midnight's rapturous plenilune. AUGUST Great August, lord of golden lands, Whose lordly joy through seas and strands And all the red-ripe heart of earth Strikes passion deep as life, and stills The folded vales and folding hills With gladness too divine for mirth, The gracious glories of thine eyes Make night a noon where darkness dies. SEPTEMBER Hail, kind September, friend whose grace Renews the bland year's bounteous face With largess given of corn and wine Through many a land that laughs with love Of thee and all the heaven above, More fruitful found than all save thine Whose skies fulfil with strenuous cheer The fervent fields that knew thee near. OCTOBER October of the tawny crown, Whose heavy-laden hands drop down Blessing, the bounties of thy breath And mildness of thy mellowing might Fill earth and heaven with love and light Too sweet for fear to dream of death Or memory, while thy joy lives yet, To know what joy would fain forget. NOVEMBER Hail, soft November, though thy pale Sad smile rebuke the words that hail Thy sorrow with no sorrowing words Or gratulate thy grief with song Less bitter than the winds that wrong Thy withering woodlands, where the birds Keep hardly heart to sing or see How fair thy faint wan face may be. DECEMBER December, thou whose hallowing hands On shuddering seas and hardening lands Set as a sacramental sign The seal of Christmas felt on earth As witness toward a new year's birth Whose promise makes thy death divine, The crowning joy that comes of thee Makes glad all grief on land or sea.