


在波浪脊和海岸之间,我把你放出去,让你看见陆地,你的歌声,带着风雨交叉的翅膀和眼睛,向东飞,直到黑夜消逝;让标志和灯塔陨落或竖立,让星宿和篝火升起或升起;直到有更高贵的抒情之手为心爱的眉毛编上冠冕,在心爱的脚边躺下。啊,无论爱给予你什么生命或光明,你的生活有什么力量、心灵或希望,我都嘱咐你,为了爱的缘故,把它托付给我,在你的眼眸中,通过时令交替的姿态,通过黑夜与光明的季节,你才得以生存和移动,才有了呼吸,可以在死亡的山脊上歌唱。我嘱咐你不要整夜昏昏沉沉的,因为那呼吸在你身上的爱,要做你旅行的翅膀和双脚,做你燃烧的热血,让你恢复精神的活力,让你保持芬芳的花朵,让你保持甜美,让你保持目标的火焰,生命,如果有生命,我愿把你从我身上送出去。我送你到战争气息弥漫的地方,到那发出死亡的声音和气味的潮湿的、发红的空气里,在它的路上只有死亡的光亮,透过黑风的乱发,我送你走过狂暴的时间的愤怒,去寻找他的脸,他吩咐你结出他的信仰和爱的种子的果实,这样他就可以取走它的心。在白天或黑夜,在海上或街上,飞吧,直到你找到他,紧紧抱住他的脚,亲吻他,就像虔诚的人把太多的爱放在嘴唇上,唱不出歌来;这样,你们就可以与他的眼睛相遇,不要因为看到光明而羞愧地完全垂头丧气。这双可怜的无力的手空空如也,这双本该哑巴的嘴唇,这爱的封印只能打动这软弱的言语,这献上的礼物令人厌倦,它的祝福无力祝福,它的闪电不能燃烧任何东西,它的思想也不能轰击。一个人以为自己拥有,连爱都没有; one light, Truth, that keeps clear the sun by night; One chord, of faith as of a lyre; One heat, of hope as of a fire; One heart, one music, and one might, One flame, one altar, and one choir; And one man's living head in sight Who said, when all time's sea was foam, "Let there be Rome"--and there was Rome. As a star set in space for token Like a live word of God's mouth spoken, Visible sound, light audible, In the great darkness thick as hell A stanchless flame of love unsloken, A sign to conquer and compel, A law to stand in heaven unbroken Whereby the sun shines, and wherethrough Time's eldest empires are made new; So rose up on our generations That light of the most ancient nations, Law, life, and light, on the world's way, The very God of very day, The sun-god; from their star-like stations Far down the night in disarray Fled, crowned with fires of tribulations, The suns of sunless years, whose light And life and law were of the night. The naked kingdoms quenched and stark Drave with their dead things down the dark, Helmless; their whole world, throne by throne, Fell, and its whole heart turned to stone, Hopeless; their hands that touched our ark Withered; and lo, aloft, alone, On time's white waters man's one bark, Where the red sundawn's open eye Lit the soft gulf of low green sky. So for a season piloted It sailed the sunlight, and struck red With fire of dawn reverberate The wan face of incumbent fate That paused half pitying overhead And almost had foregone the freight Of those dark hours the next day bred For shame, and almost had forsworn Service of night for love of morn. Then broke the whole night in one blow, Thundering; then all hell with one throe Heaved, and brought forth beneath the stroke Death; and all dead things moved and woke That the dawn's arrows had brought low, At the great sound of night that broke Thundering, and all the old world-wide woe; And under night's loud-sounding dome Men sought her, and she was not Rome. Still with blind hands and robes blood-wet Night hangs on heaven, reluctant yet, With black blood dripping from her eyes On the soiled lintels of the skies, With brows and lips that thirst and threat, Heart-sick with fear lest the sun rise, And aching with her fires that set, And shuddering ere dawn bursts her bars, Burns out with all her beaten stars. In this black wind of war they fly Now, ere that hour be in the sky That brings back hope, and memory back, And light and law to lands that lack; That spiritual sweet hour whe