


到那时、星宿变灰、月亮的金光消没、暮色渐薄、日头跃起、风起、有光升起、不是白昼的光、比正午的光更强。就像那被人深爱的脸庞上的光芒,那黯淡的脸庞;就像母亲因悲伤而变白,她那可爱的头,她的声音向罗马发出,仿佛上帝的声音被感动了。在她的唇边,它飘动了两次,失败了,呜咽着唱起歌来,像火焰一样沉下去;于是他开口说话,那声音如雷,他听到时,那个做了坏事的人的脸变得苍白,因为他犯了错。“是时候了吗,是约定的时候了吗,时间的天使,近了吗?”黑夜已过,黑夜已成白昼,君王不再杀戮,也不再祷告,受咒诅受膏的大祭司,也因恐惧而病死。因为我被杀之人的尸骨在动,我的大地的种子在她的子宫里跳动着,像蓓蕾的心脏跳动着,带着芬芳的血液,随着首鸟的鸣叫,燃烧着,渴望着开花。“我把手放在她的胸前,我的手放在我的大地的心上,我颤抖着,呜咽着,感觉到胜利的心在她的悸动中,死花瓣绽开,神圣的血液跳动着,诞生了。 "O my earth, are the springs in thee dry? O sweet, is thy body a tomb? Nay, springs out of springs derive, And summers from summers alive, And the living from them that die; No tomb is here, but a womb. "O manifold womb and divine, Give me fruit of my children, give! I have given thee my dew for thy root, Give thou me for my mouth of thy fruit; Thine are the dead that are mine, And mine are thy sons that live. "O goodly children, O strong Italian spirits, that wear My glories as garments about you, Could time or the world misdoubt you, Behold, in disproof of the wrong, The field of the grave-pits there. "And ye that fell upon sleep, We have you too with us yet. Fairer than life or than youth Is this, to die for the truth: No death can sink you so deep As their graves whom their brethren forget. "Were not your pains as my pains? As my name are your names not divine? Was not the light in your eyes Mine, the light of my skies, And the sweet shed blood of your veins, O my beautiful martyrs, mine? "Of mine earth were your dear limbs made, Of mine air was your sweet life's breath; At the breasts of my love ye were fed, O my children, my chosen, my dead, At my breasts where again ye are laid, At the old mother's bosom, in death. "But ye that live, O their brothers, Be ye to me as they were; Give me, my children that live, What these dead grudged not to give, Who alive were sons of your mother's, Whose lips drew breath of your air. "Till darkness by dawn be cloven, Let youth's self mourn and abstain; And love's self find not an hour, And spring's self wear not a flower, And Lycoris, with hair unenwoven, Hail back to the banquet in vain. "So sooner and surer the glory That is not with us shall be, And stronger the hands that smite The heads of the sons of night, And the sound throughout earth of our story Give all men heart to be free."