


现实是一个认识到这个世界有多真实的问题。时间是永恒的,终极的,不可动摇的;每个人都是天使。这是天堂改变完美的奥秘:绝对的永恒在改变!汽车总是在街上行驶,灯忽亮忽灭。这是一大片平坦的平原;我们可以看到桌子上的所有东西。蛤蜊在桌上打开,羊羔在平原上被虫子吃掉。变化的运动是美丽的,就像形式的出现和消失一样。其次,区分过程的特殊性,着眼于在现实世界中引发令人满意的新变化。 Here we're overwhelmed with such unpleasant detail we dream again of Heaven. For the world is a mountain of shit : if it's going to be moved at all, it's got to be taken by handfuls. Man lives like the unhappy whore on River Street who in her Eternity gets only a couple of bucks and a lot of snide remarks in return for seeking physical love the best way she knows how, never really heard of a glad job or joyous marriage or a difference in the heart : or thinks it isn't for her, which is her worst misery.