


我吗?i’我为金钱的流通速度而高兴,因为它呼啸着穿过下东区的窗户。我为摩天大楼的拔地而起而高兴,为84街破旧的公寓的倒塌而高兴,为把我赶出街头的通货膨胀而高兴。为什么每个感恩节都要吃成千上万只火鸡呢?为什么不拍《星球大战》?为什么还是老样子的美国?乔治·华盛顿不是吗?够好了!汤姆·潘恩让人讨厌,惠特曼真是个混蛋!我吗?我对资本主义世界两位数的利率感到高兴。我一直是共产主义者,现在我们呢?高利贷使墙更薄,书更厚,更笨。高利贷使我的诗更有价值我的手稿就像无用的金子一样值钱。像我这样的无神论者,什么都没有?这是神圣的买卖你的祖母,吞噬老人院,在街上兜售婴儿,在时代广场出售漂亮男孩——你可以吸食海洛因,我可以嗅可卡因,大男子可以在尼加拉瓜边境居住,拿纸钱! The velocity?s what counts as the National Debt gets higher Everybody running after the rising dollar Crowds of joggers down broadway past City Hall on the way to the Fed Nobody reads Dostoyevsky books so they?ll have to give a passing ear to my fragmented ravings in between President?s speeches Nothing?s happening but the collapse of the Economy so I can go back to sleep till the landlord wins his eviction suit in court.