

Andre Breton的照片
  • 时间1896 - 1966
  • 的地方
  • 国家法国


安德烈·布列东1896年出生于丁切布雷(奥恩)。起初,他开始接受医学训练。然而,他很快意识到,诗歌才是他真正的职业。他早期的影响倾向于象征主义的道路,然而,随着他被召唤参加第一次世界大战,他们的观点和影响的变化到达了年轻的布列塔尼。对布列塔尼有影响的两个主要人物是雅克·瓦谢和纪尧姆。纪尧姆提出了新的诗歌形式,而瓦谢对所有文学形式的漠视引起了布列塔尼的兴趣。大约在1919年,布列塔尼、菲利普·苏波和路易斯·阿拉贡创办了一本名为《文学》的讽刺杂志。在最初的四个版本中,《文学》连载了劳特拉蒙的作品,这清楚地表明了布列塔尼人的发展方向。然而,我们需要的是对传统的某种反抗,苏黎世达达主义者的影响为我们提供了完美的平台。一些人怀着弥赛亚的期望等待着查拉来到巴黎。 He immediately became the focus of Avanted garde circles. However, it was almost exclusively the writers who were to become the forefront of Paris-Dada the artist to a man tended to not become involved in the movement. The First friday was one of the first major Paris events showing work by Juan Gris, Ribemont -Dessaignes, Eluard, Paul Dermee,Birot, Radiguet and Conteau. However the citizens of Paris did not react in the same way as earlier audiences such as those in Zurich. They rioted. The Dada protagonists were taking these reactions in their stride. Breton gives valuable insight into the mechanics of the Paris-group " They do not understand for a moment that it is our differences that unite us. Our common resistance to artistic and moral laws gives us momentary satisfaction. For Breton this was especially true as shall be seen as his ellegiance to the Dada cause became a thing of the past. A transitional stage on his way to becoming the founder of surrealism. It is at this stage where a brief description of the differences between Dada & Surrealism. Richter comments, "Out of the explosive element in surrealism he (Breton) fashioned, on rational priciples, an irrational artistic movement, which although it took Dada over wholesale, codified the Dada revolt into a strict intellectual discipline". In beginners guide language the above quote means he became sensible and in the spirit of Dada this was unforgivable.