


哦,住在你们镇上的艾利森·格罗斯,是北方最丑陋的女巫,她和我缠绵了一天,直到她死,她对我说了许多动听的话。她摇了摇我的头,摇了摇我的头发,把我安全地放在她的膝上。他说:“如果你愿意做我的丈夫,那就照我说的去做吧。”她给我看了一件鲜红的斗篷,上面缀着鲜艳的花朵和精致的流苏;他说:“如果你愿意做我的丈夫,这美好的礼物将属于你。”“走开,走开,你这个丑陋的女巫,把手放远点,让我呆着;我永远不会成为你的丈夫,真的,我希望我不在你身边。”她戴着一条最安全的丝绸围巾,腰带上镶着珍珠;他说:“如果你是我的挚爱,这份美好的礼物就交给你吧。”她递给我一杯上好的红葡萄酒,上面镶满了珠宝,很好看;他说:“如果你愿意做我的丈夫,我就把这份好礼物送给你。”“走开,走开,你这个丑陋的女巫,走开,让我呆着吧; For I wadna ance kiss your ugly mouth, For all the gifts that ye cou'd gi'e.' She's turn'd her richt and round about, And thrice she blew on a grass-green horn; And she sware by the moon and the stars aboon, That she'd gar me rue the day I was born. Then out has she ta'en a silver wand, And she turn'd her three times round and round; She mutter'd sic words, that my strength it fail'd, And I fell down senseless on the ground. She turn'd me into an ugly worm, And gar'd me toddle about the tree; And aye on ilka Saturday night, Auld Alison Gross she came to me, With silver basin, and silver kame, To kame my headie upon her knee; But rather than kiss her ugly mouth, I'd ha'e toddled for ever about the tree. But as it fell out on last Hallow-e'en, When the seely court was ridin' by, The queen lighted down on a gowan bank, Near by the tree where I wont to lye. She took me up in her milk-white hand, And she straik'd me three times o'er her knee; She chang'd me again to my ain proper shape, And nae mair do I toddle about the tree.