


场地。当这些老剧是新的时候,国王站在红衣主教的椅子旁,在宫廷的喧宾声中,为莫里哀的诗句鼓掌;那是唯一的穿着,老高乃依来求爱,而明亮的杜·帕克年轻而美丽,当这些老戏剧是新的!LA COMEDIE。屠夫的猫叫多么刺耳,仆人的咒骂多么响亮!他们把黑色的烟斗扔到舞台上,在布雷古那儿,在那儿发着气!看门人被刺了!一个火枪手带着一群吵吵闹闹的人闯进来——当这些老戏还是新的时候,这都是司空见惯的事!城镇。当这些老剧是新的时候! They bring A host of phantoms rare: Old jests that float, old jibes that sting, Old faces peaked with care: Menage's smirk, de Vise's stare, The thefts of Jean Ribou,-- Ah, publishers were hard to bear When these Old Plays were new. ENVOY. Ghosts, at your Poet's word ye dare To break Death's dungeons through, And frisk, as in that golden air, When these Old Plays were new!