


在迪赛德,因弗莱吹着口哨,玩着游戏,天还没亮,他就在布莱克利门口大声喊道:“来吧,布莱克利的戈登。”骄傲的戈登,下来,有一把剑在你的门槛上,比你自己的还锋利。“现在起来吧,快乐的戈登,”他的夫人喊道,“瞧,勇敢的因弗莱在你的眼睛上戳着呢。”“夫人,当我只有一把剑,还有十把剑的时候,我怎么能再赢他们呢?”“起来吧,我的姑娘们,拿着一把扫帚,拿着一把扇子,如果我嫁给了一个男人,我是多么幸福啊!”起来吧,我的姑娘们,拿起枪,拿起剑,戈登,去给母羊挤奶,我就当上主了。”戈登跳了起来,头上戴着头盔,手放在剑上,大腿踩在马上,他弯下腰,一边吻着他年轻的夫人,一边说:“有一个戈登骑着马出来了,他永远骑不上我。”骑着凶悍的因弗莱三十和三驾马车,但名字不是布莱克利,而是他的兄弟和他;两个骑士戈登从来没有剑,但对三十三位,我是!什么是twa?他们带着剑和匕首,粗鲁地冲向他; The twa gallant Gordons Lie bathed in their blude. Frae the springs o' the Dee To the mouth o' the Tay, The Gordons mourn for him, And curse Inveraye. 'O were ye at Brackley? An' what saw ye there? Was his young widow weeping An' tearing her hair?' 'I looked in at Brackley, I looked in, and oh! There was mirth, there was feasting, But naething o' woe. 'As a rose bloomed the lady, An' blithe as a bride, As a bridegroom bold Inveraye Smiled by her side. Oh! she feasted him there As she ne'er feasted lord, While the blood of her husband Was moist on his sword. 'In her chamber she kept him Till morning grew gray, Thro' the dark woods of Brackley She shewed him the way. 'Yon wild hill,' she said, 'Where the sun's shining on, Is the hill of Glentanner,-- One kiss, and begone!'' There's grief in the cottage, There's grief in the ha', For the gude, gallant Gordon That's dead an' awa'. To the bush comes the bud, An' the flower to the plain, But the gude and the brave They come never again.