


人们多么徒劳地想要赢得棕榈树、橡树或海湾,他们无休止的劳动却从某种草本植物或树木上获得了桂冠,他们的劳动巧妙地斥责了这些植物的短促窄小的树影;当所有的花和树都凑近织出宁静的花环!美丽的宁静,我在这里找到你了吗,还有你亲爱的妹妹纯真?我迷失了很久,于是在忙碌的人群中寻找你:你那神圣的植物,即使在下面,也只有在植物中才能生长:社会对这美妙的孤独几乎是粗鲁的。没有一种白色或红色像这种可爱的绿色那样多情。热恋的恋人,像他们的火焰一样残忍,在这些树上砍下他们情妇的名字:唉!他们知道或注意到她的这些美是多么的远!美丽的树!我把你的树皮砍断,只留下你的名字。当我们的激情燃尽,爱也就避之不及。众神,那凡人追逐的美,仍在一棵树上结束了他们的种族; Apollo hunted Daphne so Only that she might laurel grow; And Pan did after Syrinx speed Not as a nymph, but for a reed. What wondrous life in this I lead! Ripe apples drop about my head; The luscious clusters of the vine Upon my mouth do crush their wine; The nectarine and curious peach Into my hands themselves do reach; Stumbling on melons, as I pass, Ensnared with flowers, I fall on grass. Meanwhile the mind from pleasure less Withdraws into its happiness; The mind, that ocean where each kind Does straight its own resemblance find; Yet it creates, transcending these, Far other worlds, and other seas; Annihilating all that 's made To a green thought in a green shade. Here at the fountain's sliding foot, Or at some fruit-tree's mossy root, Casting the body's vest aside, My soul into the boughs does glide; There, like a bird, it sits and sings, Then whets and combs its silver wings, And, till prepared for longer flight, Waves in its plumes the various light. Such was that happy Garden-state While man there walk'd without a mate: After a place so pure and sweet, What other help could yet be meet! But 'twas beyond a mortal's share To wander solitary there: Two paradises 'twere in one, To live in Paradise alone. How well the skilful gard'ner drew Of flowers and herbs this dial new! Where, from above, the milder sun Does through a fragrant zodiac run: And, as it works, th' industrious bee Computes its time as well as we. How could such sweet and wholesome hours Be reckon'd, but with herbs and flowers!