


一天,小安和她的母亲在伦敦宽阔而美丽的城市里散步,由于生意的关系,她们不得不经过卡文迪什广场。当他们经过一位贵族的大宅时,一辆漂亮的马车驶来,载着几位最优雅的女士,她们立刻上了车。穿着羽毛和珠宝的女士们出现了,战车被漆得全身都是,后面的男仆穿着银色和绿色的衣服,马匹在前面跳跃。小安在母亲身边默默地走着,一颗眼泪从她的眼睛里流下来,直到她的母亲说:“安,我很高兴知道是什么让你哭的。”“妈妈,”孩子说,“你看那辆马车多么漂亮,涂满了漆和金子,那些女士们骑得那么漂亮,而我们却得在寒冷中行走。”你说神恩待好人、这不是真的。否则我几乎可以肯定,他会给你一辆这么好的马车。“看那儿,小姑娘,”她妈妈说,“看看站在马车门口的是什么;一个可怜的衣衫褴褛的乞丐,听她半便士试图乞求。他的脸苍白、眼睛深陷、他的手好像枯骨。 She has got a few rags, just about her to tie, And her naked feet bleed on the stones. " 'Dear ladies,' she cries, and the tears trickle down, 'Relieve a poor beggar, I pray; I've wander'd all hungry about this wide town, And not ate a morsel to-day. 'My father and mother are long ago dead, My brother sails over the sea, And I've scarcely a rag, or a morsel of bread, As plainly, I'm sure, you may see. 'A fever I caught, which was terrible bad, But no nurse or physic had I; An old dirty shed was the house that I had, And only on straw could I lie. 'And now that I'm better, yet feeble and faint, And famish'd, and naked, and cold, I wander about with my grievous complaint, And seldom get aught but a scold. 'Some will not attend to my pitiful call, Some think me a vagabond cheat; And scarcely a creature relieves me, of all The thousands that traverse the street. 'Then ladies, dear ladies, your pity bestow:' Just then a tall footman came round, And asking the ladies which way they would go, The chariot turn'd off with a bound. "Ah! see, little girl," then her mother replied, "How foolish those murmurs have been; You have but to look on the contrary side, To learn both your folly and sin. "This poor little beggar is hungry and cold, No mother awaits her return; And while such an object as this you behold, Your heart should with gratitude burn. "Your house and its comforts, your food and your friends, 'Tis favour in GOD to confer, Have you any claim to the bounty He sends, Who makes you to differ from her? "A coach, and a footman, and gaudy attire, Give little true joy to the breast; To be good is the thing you should chiefly desire, And then leave to GOD all the rest. "