


“今天早上我想要一些馅饼,”迪克说着伸伸懒腰,打了个呵欠;于是他扔下石板和书本,信步走向糕点店。在那里,他贪婪的目光环视着果冻和馅饼,这样他就能小心翼翼地挑选出那里最好吃的东西。最后,事情就这样决定了:他的意见在馅饼和果冻之间分不开,因为谁也不想离开,他就把两者都带走了。现在,理查从来不会在饥饿感得到缓解的时候停下来,而是在他有了足够的食物之后,继续吃下去。“不,现在没有了,”迪克说;“天哪,我病得很厉害,这一点都吃不下;我真希望我没有尝过。”然后,他慢慢地从座位上站起来,把他的奶酪蛋糕扔到街上,带着非常不满的表情离开了诱人的糕点店。就在这时,一个装着木腿的人遇到了迪克,拿着他的帽子向他乞讨; And while he told his mournful case, Look'd at him with imploring face. Dick, wishing to relieve his pain, His pockets search'd, but search'd in vain; And so at last he did declare, He had not left a farthing there. The beggar turn'd with face of grief, And look of patient unbelief, While Richard now his folly blamed, And felt both sorry and ashamed. 'I wish,' said he (but wishing's vain), 'I had my money back again, And had not spent my last, to pay For what I only threw away. 'Another time, I'll take advice, And not buy things because they're nice; But rather save my little store, To give to those who want it more. '