Anna l . ætitia Barbauld

在这里你会发现春之颂诗人安娜·l·ætitia Barbauld


狂风暴雨之火的可爱的女儿,冬天盛开的孩子;愉快的春天!它未剪的头发被叶子和膨胀的花蕾所覆盖;从永葆青春的翠绿小岛上(戴着鲜花的花冠,和永远春意盎然的绿荫),转,转你的脚步到这儿来,啊,你那有力的声音,比多里安芦苇或吕底亚长笛的最轻柔的抚触更甜美,能安抚狂风,能驱散暴风雨的深沉,呼吸你自己温柔的宁静。你,我的至爱!童贞的列车带着歌声、节日的礼仪和欢乐,等待着,用不倦的脚步,在你盛开的野地上,在山谷和露珠的草地上漫游;采摘你最早的花蜜,为他那容光焕发的额头编上新鲜的花环,那受宠爱的青年,引起他们的轻声叹息。打开你丰富的宝库;温柔的雨点把甜蜜滴在幼嫩的蓓蕾上,无声的露珠滋润着乳白色穗的绿茎。喂养慢吞吞的柳树的早芽; And call those winds which thro' the whispering boughs With warm and pleasant breath Salute the blowing flowers. Now let me sit beneath the whitening thorn, And mark thy spreading tints steal o'er the dale ; And watch with patient eye Thy fair unfolding charms. O nymph approach ! while yet the temperate sun With bashful forehead, thro' the cool moist air Throws his young maiden beams, And with chaste kisses woes The earth's fair bosom ; while the streaming veil Of lucid clouds with kind and frequent shade Protect thy modest blooms From his severer blaze. Sweet is thy reign, but short ; The red dog-star Shall scorch thy tresses, and the mower's scythe Thy greens, thy flow'rets all, Remorseless shall destroy. Reluctant shall I bid thee then farewel ; For O, not all the Autumn's lap contains, Nor Summer's ruddiest fruits, Can aught for thee atone Fair Spring ! whose simplest promise more delights Than all their largest wealth, and thro' the heart Each joy and new-born hope With softest influence breathes.