


我在一个窝里孵了八只鸟,四只公鸡,其余的是母鸡。我用痛苦和关怀养育它们,我没有付出任何代价和劳动,直到它们终于感受到了翅膀,爬上了树,学会了歌唱。于是那群人的首领飞到远方去了,把我留在那里。我要打发我哀号的歌,等他回来,不然我就完了。不要离开你的巢,你的夫人和陛下,12飞回来,在这群鸟儿中歌唱。13我的第二只鸟飞走了,和它的伴侣一起飞出了视线。他们都向南驶去,在那里度过了两个季节,直到被南风吹过,他们才鼓起帆向北驶去。在海滩上,在树林里,再没有比这更漂亮的鸟了。我有一个三分之一的白美人,我曾给她以不小的喜悦,她配上了爱人的忠贞,也向她的夫人告别了。在奥罗拉第一次出现的地方,她现在有机会度过她的岁月。一个人飞到学院去和那些学识渊博的船员们聊天。 29 Ambition moves still in his breast 30 That he might chant above the rest, 31 Striving for more than to do well, 32 That nightingales he might excell. 33 My fifth, whose down is yet scarce gone, 34 Is 'mongst the shrubs and bushes flown 35 And as his wings increase in strength 36 On higher boughs he'll perch at length. 37 My other three still with me nest 38 Until they're grown, then as the rest, 39 Or here or there, they'll take their flight, 40 As is ordain'd, so shall they light. 41 If birds could weep, then would my tears 42 Let others know what are my fears 43 Lest this my brood some harm should catch 44 And be surpris'd for want of watch 45 Whilst pecking corn and void of care 46 They fall un'wares in Fowler's snare; 47 Or whilst on trees they sit and sing 48 Some untoward boy at them do fling, 49 Or whilst allur'd with bell and glass 50 The net be spread and caught, alas; 51 Or lest by Lime-twigs they be foil'd; 52 Or by some greedy hawks be spoil'd. 53 O would, my young, ye saw my breast 54 And knew what thoughts there sadly rest. 55 Great was my pain when I you bred, 56 Great was my care when I you fed. 57 Long did I keep you soft and warm 58 And with my wings kept off all harm. 59 My cares are more, and fears, than ever, 60 My throbs such now as 'fore were never. 61 Alas, my birds, you wisdom want 62 Of perils you are ignorant. 63 Oft times in grass, on trees, in flight, 64 Sore accidents on you may light. 65 O to your safety have an eye, 66 So happy may you live and die. 67 Mean while, my days in tunes I'll spend 68 Till my weak lays with me shall end. 69 In shady woods I'll sit and sing 70 And things that past, to mind I'll bring. 71 Once young and pleasant, as are you, 72 But former toys (no joys) adieu! 73 My age I will not once lament 74 But sing, my time so near is spent, 75 And from the top bough take my flight 76 Into a country beyond sight 77 Where old ones instantly grow young 78 And there with seraphims set song. 79 No seasons cold, nor storms they see 80 But spring lasts to eternity. 81 When each of you shall in your nest 82 Among your young ones take your rest, 83 In chirping languages oft them tell 84 You had a Dame that lov'd you well, 85 That did what could be done for young 86 And nurst you up till you were strong 87 And 'fore she once would let you fly 88 She shew'd you joy and misery, 89 Taught what was good, and what was ill, 90 What would save life, and what would kill. 91 Thus gone, amongst you I may live, 92 And dead, yet speak and counsel give. 93 Farewell, my birds, farewell, adieu, 94 I happy am, if well with you.