


你们可以高兴地认为自己安全了;你们应该感谢上天的恩赐——那不曾寻求的恩典,使你们黑暗的心灵纯洁,使你们凡间的灵魂在天堂闪耀。但是,环顾四周,看到成千上万的人被排除在幸福之外,这幸福至少和你一样值得拥有——他们的缺点并不比你多,他们的美德也不比你少,这是不是一件甜蜜的事?你何必更爱你的上帝,因为他的微笑只向你一个人;因为他选择越过许多人,只把那少数人带到天堂?为什么你们的心要更加感激,因为救主并没有死?你的神是公义慈爱的神吗?你的胸怀充满慈爱吗?你说,你的心向全人类敞开吗?你会像你的邻居对待你那样对待你的邻居——弱者、强者、智者和盲人吗?当你看着你的同胞,看到他们注定要陷入无尽的痛苦,你怎么能说快乐和狂喜呢? -- May God withhold such cruel joy from me! That none deserve eternal bliss I know; Unmerited the grace in mercy given: But, none shall sink to everlasting woe, That have not well deserved the wrath of Heaven. And, Oh! there lives within my heart A hope, long nursed by me; (And, should its cheering ray depart, How dark my soul would be!) That as in Adam all have died, In Christ shall all men live; And ever round his throne abide, Eternal praise to give. That even the wicked shall at last Be fitted for the skies; And, when their dreadful doom is past, To life and light arise. I ask not, how remote the day, Nor what the sinner's woe, Before their dross is purged away; Enough for me, to know That when the cup of wrath is drained, The metal purified, They'll cling to what they once disdained, And live by Him that died. Acton