


虽然这里没有一丝气息,但我知道风吹得清新自由;我知道阳光明媚,虽然没有一丝阳光能照耀我。当我在黑暗中躺着的时候,他们想,真可惜,我不知道整个大地是怎样欢快地微笑着;春天的微风吹得多么清新。他们知道,这样的消息会穿透我疲惫的灵魂,他们能更好地读懂我的心,他们会告诉我,她也在微笑。他们不需要,因为我知道得很清楚,我想我现在就看见她了;没有叹息能扰乱她胸脯的膨胀,没有阴影能遮蔽她天使般的额头。她天使般的声音没有被悲伤所玷污,闪烁着智慧和智慧;其他人在她的声音中欢欣鼓舞,品尝我不知道的快乐,从她温柔的黑眼睛里喝到狂喜,从她天堂般的微笑里喝到阳光;他们的时刻在幸福的翅膀上飞翔,而我却在这里憔悴!哦! tell me, does she never give -- To my distress a single sigh? She smiles on them, but does she grieve One moment, when they are not by? When she beholds the sunny skies, And feels the wind of heaven blow; Has she no tear for him that lies In dungeon gloom, so far below? While others gladly round her press And at her side their hours beguile, Has she no sigh for his distress Who cannot see a single smile Nor hear one word nor read a line That her beloved hand might write, Who banished from her face must pine Each day a long and lonely night? Alexander April 1826