


栗色的骏马站在门口,他高贵的主人的意志在等待,树木繁茂的公园在晨光中如此翠绿明亮,白杨树的嫩叶在晨风中翩翩起舞。宫殿的门大开着,它的主人站在那里,他的可爱的夫人在他身边,有着温柔的黑眼睛和乌黑的头发。他微笑着握住她小心翼翼的手说:“我不再站在这里;我的战马摇着他飘动的鬃毛,不耐烦地嘶叫着我。再见,直到我们再次相遇,甜蜜的爱,我不能再停留。“你不要这么快就走,”她说,“我不会告别的。”太阳没有驱散那边露珠山谷里的阴影;巨大的黑影睡在草坪上;鸟儿刚开始为夏天的早晨欢呼;“那就和我呆一会儿吧,”她带着温柔而阳光的微笑说。 3 He smiled again and did not speak, But lightly kissed her rosy cheek, And fondly clasped her in his arms, Then vaulted on his steed. And down the park's smooth winding road He urged its flying speed. Still by the door his lady stood And watched his rapid flight, Until he came to a distant wood That hid him from her sight. But ere he vanished from her view He waved to her a last adieu, Then onward hastily he steered And in the forest disappeared. 4 The lady smiled a pensive smile And heaved a gently sigh, But her cheek was all unblanched the while And tearless was her eye. 'A thousand lovely flowers,' she said, 'Are smiling on the plain. And ere one half of them are dead, My lord will come again. The leaves are waving fresh and green On every stately tree, And long before they die away He will return to me!' -- Alas! Fair lady, say not so; Thou canst not tell the weight of woe That lies in store for thee. 5 Those flowers will fade, those leaves will fall, Winter will darken yonder hall; Sweet spring will smile o'er hill and plain And trees and flowers will bloom again, And years will still keep rolling on, But thy beloved lord is gone. His absence thou shalt deeply mourn, And never smile on his return.