


艾伦,你曾经不重视美貌或优雅,衣着朴素朴素,不重视形体和容貌;那么这种变化从何而来呢?为什么现在要经常抚平你的头发呢?为什么要用这样孜孜不倦的忧虑来修饰你青春的容颜呢?请告诉我们——不要再用那熟悉的旋律来烦我们的耳朵——你为什么要一再地弹奏那些简单的曲调?“的确,亲爱的朋友们,我只能说,童年的思念已经远去;每年它都给人带来新的感觉,岁月飞快地流逝:“对于这几首简单的曲子——我是那么爱弹——现在我不敢保证,再也不弹了。”我回答了——这就够了;他们转身离去;他们看不透我隐秘的思想,也看不见我跳动的心。 I've noticed many a youthful form, Upon whose changeful face The inmost workings of the soul The gazer well might trace; The speaking eye, the changing lip, The ready blushing cheek, The smiling, or beclouded brow, Their different feelings speak. But, thank God! you might gaze on mine For hours, and never know The secret changes of my soul From joy to keenest woe. Last night, as we sat round the fire Conversing merrily, We heard, without, approaching steps Of one well known to me! There was no trembling in my voice, No blush upon my cheek, No lustrous sparkle in my eyes, Of hope, or joy, to speak; But, oh! my spirit burned within, My heart beat full and fast! He came not nigh - he went away - And then my joy was past. And yet my comrades marked it not: My voice was still the same; They saw me smile, and o'er my face No signs of sadness came. They little knew my hidden thoughts; And they will never know The aching anguish of my heart, The bitter burning woe! Acton