

哦,不要哭泣,爱!你那双可爱的眼睛里流出的每一滴眼泪,给我带来的痛苦,都比从我的眼睛里流出来的更强烈。不要垂头丧气!不管等待你的命运多么凄凉;为我与痛苦和忧虑作斗争,为我珍惜生命!我不怕你的爱泯灭;我知道你的信仰是真实的;但是,哦,我的爱人!你的力量是脆弱的,经不起这样痛苦的生活。要不是为了这个,我完全可以追寻(虽然被逐出你的时间已久)人生崎岖的道路,勇敢地面对威胁我的风暴。 Fear not for me - I've steeled my mind Sorrow and strife to greet; Joy with my love I leave behind, Care with my friends I meet. A mother's sad reproachful eye, A father's scowling brow - But he may frown and she may sigh: I will not break my vow! I love my mother, I revere My sire, but fear not me Believe that Death alone can tear This faithful heart from thee. Acton