


你看那年轻的嶙峋的岩石,它的头俯视着那膨胀的大地,那里从来没有牧羊人喂养他的羊群,也没有细心的农民播种他的粮食。在它上面长不出有益的草,白天的鸟儿也不能在它上面栖息;它荒芜如无望的火焰,灼烧着我痛苦的胸膛。山洞的深处有个洞,入口被阴暗的紫杉掩藏着,菲伯斯从未露出他的眼睛,明媚的阳光也不曾穿透。在那黑暗忧郁的牢房里,(隐退,慰藉我的悲哀)爱,悲伤的绝望,和我,同住在一起,这是我悲哀的泉源。(当他第一次靠近我的心时)披上一件不严肃的衣服,或威胁未来的聪明。当我第一次看到罗莎琳达的时候,那些魅力看起来是那么天真,啊!他们会认为谁是致命的?但是花经常会藏起来。在那些甜蜜的掩藏之下,爱那残酷的敌人,蔑视,(唉)她用它来回报我那恒久的、应得的痛苦。 When I in Tears have spent the Night, With Sighs I usher in the Sun, Who never saw a sadder sight, In all the Courses he has run. Sleep, which to others Ease does prove, Comes unto me, alas, in vain: For in my Dreams I am in Love, And in them too she does Disdain. Some times t'Amuse my Sorrow, I Unto the hollow Rocks repair, And loudly to the Eccho cry, Ah! gentle Nimph come ease my Care. Thou who, times past, a Lover wer't, Ah! pity me, who now am so, And by a sense of thine own smart, Alleviate my Mighty Woe. Come Flatter then, or Chide my Grief; Catch my last Words, and call me Fool; Or say, she Loves, for my Relief; My Passion either sooth, or School.