


我确信会成功,我大胆地给你写信,当爱的每一句温柔的诗句结束;爱是诗歌的主席,是他所有的仆人所写或排练的。菲比斯(无论诗人多么错误地做梦)我们从来没有一首诗,直到爱情成为他的主题。他对迷途的儿子,当他的激情仍在上升时,他用平静的散文,提高了他的急促的声音;但当他在达芙妮想要爱情时,他在诗歌中求爱,举起他的银竖琴。特洛伊王子聚集在一起歌唱战争;但爱是设计:再次在火焰中沉睡的特洛伊穿上了衣服,点燃了同情狄多胸膛的火焰。没有诗歌的精炼,爱情只是一笔乏味的交易,而且是粗鄙的交易;只有当感觉是爱的时候,诗歌才能成功地证明或触动灵魂。哦!他们现在不在的时候,能不能教我的手艺,而不是描述我的心; Then shou'd you see impatient of your Stay Soft Hopes contend with Fears of sad Delay; Love in a thousand fond Endearments there, And lively Images of You appear. But since the Thoughts of a Poetick Mind Will never be to Syllables confin'd; And whilst to fix what is conceiv'd, we try, The purer Parts evaporate and dye: You must perform what they want force to do, And think what your ARDELIA thinks of you.