


[西尔维娅]漂亮的仙女!在这树荫里,当羊群安息的时候,当世界在炎热中融化的时候,坐在这凉爽的座位上,让我们两人愉快地交谈一会儿,消磨时光;你在这里没有牧人看见,把他卑微的膝头围起来,或用忧郁的歌谣唱出你危险的美。(向该县)女神!我本想和你呆在这里,但我听说,在这一天,在那些罕有的山毛榉附近,所有的天鹅都在追逐着一些欢乐,现在我赶紧去和他们会合。孤独只会浪费生命。[西尔维娅]请稍等片刻。(向该县)不!我的花冠会腐烂;每一个垂头丧气的人都会哀悼,把他们的脸弄得乱七八糟。 [Silvia] I can tell thee, tho'so Fair, And dress'd with all that rural Care, Most of the admiring Swains Will be absent from the Plains. Gay Sylvander in the Dance Meeting with a shrew'd Mischance, To his Cabin's now confin'd By Mopsus, who the Strain did bind: Damon through the Woods do's stray, Where his Kids have lost their way: Young Narcissus iv'ry Brow Rac'd by a malicious Bough, Keeps the girlish Boy from sight, Till Time shall do his Beauty right. [Dorinda] Where's Alexis? [Silvia] ?He, alas! Lies extended on the Grass; Tears his Garland, raves, despairs, Mirth and Harmony forswears; Since he was this Morning shown, That Delia must not be his Own. [Dorinda] Foolish Swain! such Love to place. [Silvia] On any but Dorinda's Face. [Dorinda] Hasty Nymph! I said not so. [Silvia] No?but I thy Meaning know. Ev'ry Shepherd thou wou'd'st have Not thy Lover, but thy Slave; To encrease thy captive Train, Never to be lov'd again. But, since all are now away, Prithee, but a Moment stay. [Dorinda] No; the Strangers, from the Vale, Sure will not this Meeting fail; Graceful one, the other Fair. He too, with the pensive Air, Told me, ere he came this way He was wont to look more Gay. [Silvia] See! how Pride thy Heart inclines To think, for Thee that Shepherd pines; When those Words, that reach'd thy Ear, Chloe was design'd to hear; Chloe, who did near thee stand, And his more speaking Looks command. [Dorinda] Now thy Envy makes me smile. That indeed were worth his while: Chloe next thyself decay'd, And no more a courted Maid. [Silvia] Next myself! Young Nymph, forbear. Still the Swains allow me Fair, Tho'not what I was that Day, When Colon bore the Prize away; When? [Dorinda] ?Oh, hold! that Tale will last, Till all the Evening Sports are past; Till no Streak of Light is seen, Nor Footstep prints the flow'ry Green. What thou wert, I need not know, What I am, must haste to show. Only this I now discern From the things, thou'd'st have me learn, That Woman-kind's peculiar Joys From past, or present Beauties rise.