


一个醉心于写作的人,没有报酬,没有赞美,却一直在写作;在所有的争吵和最爱的朋友中,他的指尖有诗;因为新的事件还在提供;然而,现在他渴望骑马,他收拾好所有的颂歌和小曲,在假期离开了城市;如此沉迷于人物、典故、隐秘的激情和甜蜜的迷惘;用著名剧作的句子,写自己的对联上千首;那条白垩的路看起来也很快乐,在他看来就像银河。但是命运,抛来抛去的球,诗人永远要走过的路,却把他所引导的骏马引到几条幽暗的路分岔的地方。他沿着最陡峭的斜坡走下去,四周都是岩石,因为时间已经把岩石凿空了。直到,他相信,活着,穿上靴子,他就能到达荷马所说的阴影。 But all, that he cou'd there discover, Was, in a Pit with Thorns grown over, Old Mammon digging, straining, sweating, As Bags of Gold he thence was getting; Who, when reprov'd for such Dejections By him, who liv'd on high Reflections, Reply'd; Brave Sir, your Time is ended, And Poetry no more befriended. I hid this Coin, when Charles was swaying; When all was Riot, Masking, Playing; When witty Beggars were in fashion, And Learning had o'er-run the Nation, But, since Mankind is so much wiser, That none is valued like the Miser, I draw it hence, and now these Sums In proper Soil grow up to {1} Plumbs; Which gather'd once, from that rich Minute We rule the World, and all that's in it. But, quoth the Poet,can you raise, As well as Plumb-trees, Groves of Bays? Where you, which I wou'd chuse much rather, May Fruits of Reputation gather? Will Men of Quality, and Spirit, Regard you for intrinsick Merit? And seek you out, before your Betters, For Conversation, Wit, and Letters? Fool, quoth the Churl, who knew no Breeding; Have these been Times for such Proceeding? Instead of Honour'd, and Rewarded, Are you not Slighted, or Discarded? What have you met with, but Disgraces? Your PRIOR cou'd not keep in Places; And your VAN-BRUG had found no Quarter, But for his dabbling in the Morter. ROWE no Advantages cou'd hit on, Till Verse he left, to write North-Briton. PHILIPS, who's by the Shilling known, Ne'er saw a Shilling of his own. Meets {2} PHILOMELA, in the Town Her due Proportion of Renown? What Pref'rence has ARDELIA seen, T'expel, tho' she cou'd write the Spleen? Of Coach, or Tables, can you brag, Or better Cloaths than Poet RAG? Do wealthy Kindred, when they meet you, With Kindness, or Distinction, greet you? Or have your lately flatter'd Heroes Enrich'd you like the Roman Maroes? No?quoth the Man of broken Slumbers: Yet we have Patrons for our Numbers; There are Mecænas's among 'em. Quoth Mammon,pray Sir, do not wrong 'em; But in your Censures use a Conscience, Nor charge Great Men with thriftless Nonsense: Since they, as your own Poets sing, Now grant no Worth in any thing But so much Money as 'twill bring. Then, never more from your Endeavours Expect Preferment, or less Favours. But if you'll 'scape Contempt, or worse, Be sure, put Money in your Purse; Money! which only can relieve you When Fame and Friendship will deceive you. Sir, (quoth the Poet humbly bowing, And all that he had said allowing) Behold me and my airy Fancies Subdu'd, like Giants in Romances. I here submit to your Discourses; Which since Experience too enforces, I, in that solitary Pit, Your Gold withdrawn, will hide my Wit: Till Time, which hastily advances, And gives to all new Turns and Chances, Again may bring it into use; Roscommons may again produce; New Augustean Days revive, When Wit shall please, and Poets thrive. Till when, let those converse in private, Who taste what others don't arrive at; Yielding that Mammonists surpass us; And let the Bank out-swell Parnassus.