


乌拉尼娅,全镇的人都羡慕她,她的智慧和美貌和我们一样受到赞扬;这个美丽的乌兰尼亚,她用千百种方式给我带来千百种欢乐,她一眼就能给我带来恩惠,使我的希望破灭,在我们初次相识的那天,她就把钱借给了我。不要用我所品尝到的幸福,让任何嫉妒的怀疑来争辩:她的友谊是牢靠的,在别人结束的地方开始。而你,众所周知的骗子!受法律保护,你这渴望的心灵的失望者,巴塞特,你的原作者把你从威尼斯(被变幻莫测的海洋所禁锢)拉出来;写过窃窃私语,写过忧虑,写过愉快的希望,最后以绝望结尾:我的奇异的幸福是我欠你的,从你的压迫中,我得到了这种援助。如果你对我仁慈,我的收获就会少得多,从我的损失中吸取教训,教会我如何获得。告诉我吧,我那飘飘然的头脑!(这好处唤醒了他的骄傲)你知道吗?当我们看到她借给我们的钱时,我们这样的得意不是徒然的吗? the Heart she takes, The fond Engagements, and the Ties Her fatal Bounty does impose, Who makes Reprisals, with her Eyes, For what her gen'rous Hand bestows? And tho' I quickly can return Those useful Pieces, which she gave; Can I again, or wou'd I have That which her Charms have from me borne? Yet let us quit th' obliging Score; And whilst we borrow'd Gold restore, Whilst readily we own the Debt, And Gratitude before her set In its approved and fairest Light; Let her effectually be taught By that instructive, harmless Slight, That also in her turn she ought (Repaying ev'ry tender Thought) Kindness with Kindness to requite.