


当美塞利穿过一片树林时(他的任务往往是匆匆而过),他前面躺着一头大象,路上有太多的障碍。信使还在赶路,他很想先走一趟,然后就走了。这时,那只粗笨的畜生站了起来,又要重述一桩最近发生的争执,说他从一头巨壮的野猪手里抢到了战利品。可是,他又说,那只律师、女士、士兵所犯的错误,名声大噪,对我不利。他说,我把我们打败了,用我的重量把对手打得遍体鳞伤;在他还没来得及拔牙之前,我就把我的鼻子搁在他身上;我曾用一声骇人的怒吼,以及二万多的流言蜚语,把他吓呆了。可是,在每一个洞穴里,我都不听人说话,也不听野兽的声音;公正的天空是我所关心的,它是如何被记录下来的。在你们众神之中,祈祷吧,思想是什么?说汞?那你就战斗吧!我这样关心别人对我的诗和我的评价; Or shou'd my Friends Excuses frame, And beg the Criticks not to blame (Since from a Female Hand it came) Defects in Judgment, or in Wit; They'd but reply - Then has she Writ! Our Vanity we more betray, In asking what the World will say, Than if, in trivial Things like these, We wait on the Event with ease; Nor make long Prefaces, to show What Men are not concern'd to know: For still untouch'd how we succeed, 'Tis for themselves, not us, they Read; Whilst that proceeding to requite, We own (who in the Muse delight) 'Tis for our Selves, not them, we Write. Betray'd by Solitude to try Amusements, which the Prosp'rous fly; And only to the Press repair, To fix our scatter'd Papers there; Tho' whilst our Labours are preserv'd, The Printers may, indeed, be starv'd.