


鸟中之王,为了增加王权,在一棵庄严的橡树上孵出了她的幼崽,这棵橡树的中部被猫占据了,在树根附近,一只肥美的母猪用温暖的砂盖好了她的窝。(这样,宫殿从头到脚都挤得满满的,里面还有各种各样的动物。)当母猪不怕灾祸的时候,母猫出现了,对它谄媚奉承,为它的成功而欢欣雀跃,因为它生得那么好,又生得那么快。然后她称赞每一个小猪崽,把它们比作它们所有的猪朋友;给她美好的祝愿,却又带着叹息,使她心中升起了一些阴暗的恐惧。她叫道,如此诱人的肉体,鹰会放过吗?我想,好邻居,你应该小心翼翼地生活,因为我不产这么好吃的东西,却为我那不好吃的食物而颤抖;如果我早有预见,鹰的床就会铺在这棵致命的树上;我宁愿在路上当小猫,也不愿在这危险的地方作我的住处。最近我听见她的孩子们在叫猪,可怜你,那么近,那么大。 In Friendship this I secretly reveal, Lest Pettitoes shou'd make th' ensuing Meal; Or else, perhaps, Yourself may be their aim, For a Sow's Paps has been a Dish of Fame. No more the sad, affrighted Mother hears, But overturning all with boist'rous Fears, She from her helpless Young in haste departs, Whilst Puss ascends, to practice farther Arts. The Anti-chamber pass'd, she scratch'd the Door; The Eagle, ne'er alarum'd so before, Bids her come in, and look the Cause be great, That makes her thus disturb the Royal Seat; Nor think, of Mice and Rats some pest'ring Tale Shall, in excuse of Insolence, prevail. Alas! my Gracious Lady, quoth the Cat, I think not of such Vermin; Mouse, or Rat To me are tasteless grown; nor dare I stir To use my Phangs, or to expose my Fur. A Foe intestine threatens all around, And ev'n this lofty Structure will confound; A Pestilential Sow, a meazel'd Pork On the Foundation has been long at work, Help'd by a Rabble, issu'd from her Womb, Which she has foster'd in that lower Room; Who now for Acorns are so madly bent, That soon this Tree must fall, for their Content. I wou'd have fetch'd some for th' unruly Elves; But 'tis the Mob's delight to help Themselves: Whilst your high Brood must with the meanest drop, And steeper be their Fall, as next the Top; Unless you soon to Jupiter repair, And let him know, the Case demands his Care. Oh! May the Trunk but stand, 'till you come back! But hark! already sure, I hear it crack. Away, away---The Eagle, all agast, Soars to the Sky, nor falters in her haste: Whilst crafty Puss, now o'er the Eyry reigns, Replenishing her Maw with treach'rous Gains. The Sow she plunders next, and lives alone; The Pigs, the Eaglets, and the House her own. Curs'd Sycophants! How wretched is the Fate Of those, who know you not, till 'tis too late!