


一个贪婪的继承人,作为他的执行人,渴望完成他的亲属的遗嘱;对他自己,他的年龄一遍又一遍地重复,对他的虚弱,更是雪上加霜;他还把他所期望得到的物资详细地记录了下来。等死神终于把这两个人释放了,彼此的痛苦也就停止了,彼此的渴望也就停止了。在他把同类的泥土带走之前,谁必须体面地把它们送到坟墓里去。这些泥土是放在马车里的,他坐着马车,所以没有灵车,也没有火车随行。他拒绝了罗素,他会负责一天的无聊无聊,如此之大。这位卑微的老人临终时表示,他希望自己能这样被安葬。现在,行李在庄严的状态下移动,它想要的数量增加,重量增加。幸福的继承者难以抑制他的喜悦,当他的思绪纷乱时,他该如何行动,现在一切都是他的了,他的复仇或恩宠将在哪里显示;然后回想起来,发出一声假冒的呻吟。林荫大道和花园都要改换,家具也都摆好了。搜刮秘密,他的幻想飞了起来,眼前的财富也不能满足他的心意。 Thus he an Age runs o'er betwixt the Porch Of his Friend's House, and the adjacent Church: Whilst the slow Driver, who no reck'ning kept Of what was left, indulging Nature, slept; Till on a Bank, so high, the Wheel was borne That in a Moment All must overturn: Whilst the rich Heir now finds the giving Dead Less weighty in his Gold, than in his Lead; Which falling just on his contriving Breast, Expell'd the Soul, leaving the corpse to rest In the same Grave, intended for his Friend. Then why shou'd We our Days in Wishes spend, Which, e'er we see fulfill'd, are often at an End?