


一个老婆子、一个贤人、一个小响尾蛇、一个普律当丝的谨小慎微的人,怎么也听不进去。但是她床上的孩子却要走,没有理由,他就是要这样做。临别的时候,河鼠妈妈对儿子说,许多商量都白费了。她紧紧地跟在他后面,泪流满面,悲痛欲绝,转身回到她那悲哀的牢房里,向世人道了晚安。然而,幸运之神,比她的预感仁慈得多。不久,流浪汉就把他带回了家,把他的心绪振作起来,把他的衣服缝补好了。他在各方面都承认,他已经学会了放下他的假发,也不把落在肩上的食物扔掉。他从果壳里掏出一只虫子,叼出鼻烟,把政府改造了一番。母亲看到孩子如此惊人的进步,因母爱而哭泣,她希望自己的内心也能发生巨大的变化,并希望有智慧避开猫和杜松子酒。“亲爱的,”她说,“在你在国外见到的所有陌生人中,你最注意的是谁?”是谁最吸引你,还是你的幻想占据了你?年轻的河鼠遇上了一个吵闹的耙子,使他找不到最好的朋友。 And fear'd him so, he trembl'd ev'ry Part; Nor to describe him, scarce cou'd have the Heart. High on his Feet (quoth he) himself he bore, And terribly, in his own Language, swore; A feather'd Arm came out from either Side, Which loud he clapp'd, and Combatants defy'd, And to each Leg a Bayonette was ty'd: And certainly his Head with Wounds was sore; For That, and both his Cheeks a Sanguine Colour wore. Near Him there lay the Creature I admir'd, And for a Friend by Sympathy desir'd: His Make, like Ours, as far as Tail and Feet, With Coat of Furr in parallel do meet; Yet seeming of a more exalted Race, Tho' humble Meekness beautify'd his Face: A purring Sound compos'd his gentle Mind, Whilst frequent Slumbers did his Eye-lids bind; Whose soft, contracted Paw lay calmly still, As if unus'd to prejudice, or kill. I paus'd a while, to meditate a Speech, And now was stepping just within his reach; When that rude Clown began his hect'ring Cry, And made me for my Life, and from th' Attempt to fly. Indeed 'twas Time, the shiv'ring Beldam said, To scour the Plain, and be of Life afraid. Thou base, degen'rate Seed of injur'd Rats, Thou veriest Fool (she cry'd) of all my Brats; Would'st thou have shaken Hands with hostile Cats, And dost not yet thine Own, and Country's Foe, At this expence of Time, and Travel know? Alas! that swearing, staring, bullying Thing, That tore his Throat, and blustered with his Wing, Was but some paltry, Dunghill, Craven Cock, Who serves the early Household for a Clock. And We his Oats, and Barley often steal, Nor fear, he shou'd revenge the pilfer'd Meal: Whilst that demure, and seeming harmless Puss Herself, and mewing Chits regales with Us. If then, of useful Sense thou'st gain'd no more, Than ere thou'dst past the Threshold of my Door; Be here, my Son, content to Dress and Dine, Steeping the List of Beauties in thy Wine, And neighb'ring Vermin with false Gloss outshine. Amongst Mankind a Thousand Fops we see, Who in their Rambles learn no more than Thee; Cross o'er the Alpes, and make the Tour of France, To learn a paltry Song, or antick Dance; Bringing their Noddles, and Valizes pack'd With Mysteries, from Shops and Taylors wreck'd: But what may prejudice their Native Land; Whose Troops are raising, or whose Fleet is mann'd, Ne'er moves their Thoughts, nor do they understand. Thou, my dear Rattlehead, and such as These Might keep at home, and brood on Sloth and Ease: Whilst Others, more adapted to the Age, May vig'rously in Warlike Feats engage, And live on foreign Spoils, or dying thin the Stage.