


疯狂的万花筒般的手臂和腿。扭动,缠绕,旋转,扭打,投掷,推挤,节流,拉扯,重击,收紧的绳索。纠结的裤子被撕扯,巨大的小腿突出。它的蠕动,蠕虫般的,蛇形的运动和生命;强壮的男人在泥中插入,打滚,用厚鞋冲压;那些粗暴的行为,那些偷工减料,那些猛击和刮擦,那些牛仔荷马式的残暴。(啊,踢得好,红腿!打她,你这个肮脏的小英雄!)流着血的鼻子,磨破的小腿,磨破的指关节:这就是男人的样子!去吧,你们这些边境流氓,我喜欢你们。 II. Only two sorts of men are any good, I wouldn't give a cotton hat for no other -- The Poet and the Plug Ugly. They are picturesque. O, but ain't they? These college chaps, these bouncing fighters from M'Gill and Toronto, Are all right. I must have a fighter, a bully, somewhat of a desperado; Of course, I prefer them raw, uneducated, unspoiled by book rot; I reckon these young fellows, these howling Kickapoos of the puddle, these boys, Have been uneducated to an undemocratic and feudal-aristocratic extent; Lord! how they can kick, though! Another man slugged there! III. Unnumbered festoons of pretty Canadian girls, I salute you; Howl away, you non-playing encouragers of the kickers! Rah, Rah, Rah, Rah, Rah, Rah, M'Gill! Rah, Rah, Rah, Sis, Boom, Toronto! Lusty-throated give it! O, wild, tumultuous, multitudinous shindy. Well, this is the boss; This is worth coming twenty miles to see. Personally, I haven't had so much fun since I was vaccinated. I wonder if the Doctor spectates it. Here is something beyond his plesiosauri. Pure physical glow and exultation this of abundantest muscle: I wish John Sullivan were here. IV. O, the kicking, stamping, punching, the gore and the glory of battle! Kick, kick, kick, kick, kick, kick. Will you kick! You kickers, scoop up the mud, steam plough the field, Fall all over yourselves, squirm out! Look at that pile-driver of a full-back there! Run, leg it, hang on to the ball; say, you big chump, don't you kill that little chap When you are about it. Well, I'd like to know what a touch down is, then? Draw? Where's your draw? Yer lie!