
在这里你会发现长诗Nell Flahertys Drake佚名英语

Nell Flahertys Drake

我的名字是内尔,我老实告诉你,我住在一个小山谷附近。我不会否认,我有一个很大的德雷克,说实话,我的祖父离开我的时候就要死了;他快乐而健康,体重可达二十磅。我愿为他周游宇宙。杀害奈尔·弗莱厄蒂的抢劫犯,不管他是喝醉了还是清醒了,都要倒霉了?漂亮的德雷克。他的脖子是绿色的,很少见,他很适合做一个最高地位的女王。他的身体那么白,你会高兴的。他又肥又胖,又重又活泼,像只蜜蜂。这个可爱的小家伙,他的腿是黄色的,他能像燕子一样飞翔,也能像鳕鱼一样游泳,但是一些邪恶的东西,为了给他的白卷心菜涂油,谋杀了内尔·弗莱厄蒂?漂亮的公鸭!愿他的猪永远不哼哼,愿他的猫永远不打猎,愿鬼在黑夜里出没。愿他的母鸡永远不下蛋,愿他的马永远不嘶叫,愿他的山羊像旧风筝一样飞走;愿他的鸭子永不嘎嘎叫,愿他的鹅变黑,用她长长的黄喙把他的烟囱拉下来。 May the scurvy and itch never part from the britch Of the wretch that murdered Nell Flaherty?s drake! May his rooster ne?er crow, may his bellows not blow, Nor potatoes to grow?may he never have none? May his cradle not rock, may his chest have no lock, May his wife have no frock for to shade her backbone. That the bugs and the fleas may this wicked wretch tease, And a piercing north breeze make him tremble and shake. May a four-years?-old bug build a nest in the lug Of the monster that murdered Nell Flaherty?s drake. May his pipe never smoke, may his tea-pot be broke, And to add to the joke may his kettle not boil; May he be poorly fed till the hour he is dead. May he always be fed on lobscouse and fish oil. May he swell with the gout till his grinders fall out, May he roar, howl, and shout with a horrid toothache, May his temple wear horns and his toes carry corns, The wretch that murdered Nell Flaherty?s drake. May his dog yelp and howl with both hunger and cold, May his wife always scold till his brains go astray. May the curse of each hag, that ever carried a bag, Light down on the wag till his head it turns gray. May monkeys still bite him, and mad dogs affright him, And every one slight him, asleep or awake. May wasps ever gnaw him, and jackdaws ever claw him, The monster that murdered Nell Flaherty?s drake. But the only good news I have to diffuse, Is of Peter Hughes and Paddy McCade, And crooked Ned Manson, and big-nosed Bob Hanson, Each one had a grandson of my beautiful drake. Oh! my bird he has dozens of nephews and cousins, And one I must have, or my heart it will break. To keep my mind easy, or else I?ll run crazy, And so ends the song of my beautiful drake.