


骑着偷来的马的强盗勇敢,在悉尼附近巡逻的骑兵勇敢;但他们中很少有人能骑马,很少有人能像那天晚上沃克和沃德那样为生死而战。似乎骑警们听说沃德,也就是众所周知的迅雷,一个非法的小偷,在布兰奇附近试着牵一匹新拴的小马。(离阿米代尔不远,是著名的钻石产地——尽管现在人们谈论的钻石已经很少找到了。)阿利克·沃克边说边把马鞍套在马上,“如果我今天看见沃德,我就试试他的马的速度;无论上山还是下山,都是一样的,我知道我的马能留下来。”他们抓住他的胳膊,疾驰而去,准备战斗。他一走近迅雷波特,那支撤退的队伍就胡乱地向他敬礼。强盗逃走了,骑警追了上去,他的精神振奋起来——当沃德劝他走开时,他回答说:“波什,来吧!”当他们穿过灌木丛逃跑的时候,木材缠绕在一起,他们都把马抓得很好,没有犯任何错误;然后,那个轻装骑兵用判断力让他的马放松下来,跑了起来——尽管那个强盗是个好骑师,但他发现自己被超越了。 Mile after mile, rough ground and smooth, up hill and down the vale, Steep rocky tracks they galloped o'er - Wards horse began to fail. Scant time he had for firing, for whenever he looked back Onward his adversary pressed, fast nearing on his track. On to a creek pursuer and pursued still headed straight: One hastening to avenge the law, his foe to meet his fate. Ward, almost hopeless of escape, devised a desperate scheme - Dismounting from his horse he swam the wide and rapid stream. Cried Walker, 'May my mother's son for ever be accursed If now I fail to take him, but I'll stop his gallop first.' His pistol flashed, the stockhorse fell; cut off from all retreat At bay the reckless outlaw stood, defiant in defeat. 'I'll not surrender,' was his cry, 'before I do, I'll die!' 'All right,' his brave opponent said, 'now for it, you or I!' A moment's pause - a parley now - the trooper made a push To grapple at close quarters with the ranger of the bush. A shot - a blow - a struggle wild - the outlaw with a shriek Relaxed his hold, and sank beneath the waters of the creek. 'Twas thus the dreaded robber's evil spirit passed away, Vanquished by brave young Walker, now the hero of the day. Henceforth those loafing swagmen who around the stations coil, Exchanging lies at night until they see the billies boil, At lambing-down or shearing-time will tell with bated breath Of Walker's fight with Thunderbolt, that ride for life and death.