


这是一个勇敢的拦路强盗和歹徒的故事,他不屑于做奴隶,不屑于戴上囚犯的镣铐;他的名字叫杰克·多纳霍勇敢而有名望——他不屑于做奴隶或向王室卑躬屈膝。这个勇敢无畏的拦路强盗,正如你所理解的,因为他的自然生活被逐出了艾琳的乐土。在都柏林这座著名的城市,他第一次呼吸的地方,就是在那里,人们称他为勇敢无畏的杰克·多纳霍。他在澳大利亚海岸待了不到一年,就像以前一样走上公路,勇敢的麦克纳马拉、安德伍德、韦伯和沃姆斯利也是他的伙伴。这就是勇敢的杰克·多纳霍的四个伙伴。一天下午,杰克和他的同伴们四处游荡,没想到死亡的痛苦会这么快就被克服,令他们吃惊的是,五名骑警出现在他们的视线中,他们很快就上前带走了杰克·多纳霍。“来吧,来吧,你们这些胆小的坏蛋,啊,别跑!我们要和他们一对一,我的孩子们,他们只有三个人;大胆的杰克·多纳霍说:“我宁愿像野狗或袋鼠一样在灌木丛中游荡,也不愿为政府工作一小时。”“哦,不,”胆小的沃姆斯利说,“我不同意; I see they're still advancing us - their numbers more than three. And if we wait we'll be too late, the battle we will rue.' 'Then begone from me, you cowardly dog,' replied Jack Donahoe. The Sergeant of the horse police, discharged his car-a-bine, And called aloud to Donahoe, 'Will you fight or resign?' 'Resign, no, no! I never will, until your cowardly crew, For today I'll fight with all my might,' cried bold Jack Donahoe. The Sergeant then, in a hurry his party to divide, Placed one to fire in front of him, and another on each side; The Sergeant and the Corporal, they both fired too, Till the fatal ball had pierced the heart of bold Jack Donahoe. Six rounds he fought those horse police before the fatal ball, Which pierced his heart with cruel smart, caused Donahoe to fall; And as he closed his mournful eyes he bade this world adieu, Saying, 'Good people all, pray for the soul of poor Jack Donahoe. ' There were Freincy, Grant, bold Robin Hood, Brennan and O'hare; With Donahoe this highwayman none of them could compare. But now he's gone to Heaven, I hope, with saints and angels too - May the Lord have mercy on the soul of Brave Jack Donahoe.