


在霍根小屋的这一边,有一匹破旧的小马,它的鼻子上有个口子,背上有个记号;大多数人都说它只是一匹普通的小马,当然,他们从来没有听说过他那时候发生的事:我和一群野骑兵在莱希哈德路上开车,这匹瘦小的小马是霍根的孩子的。一天晚上开始下雨了?我们在高地上露营,寒风凛冽,雷声震撼天空;闪电在受惊的牛群周围划出了八字,接着下起了暴雨,一场战斗开始了。顷刻间,这群野蛮的暴民发疯了,他们在树林里狂奔,仓惶向平原奔去。木头倒在他们面前,就像草倒在镰刀前,暴雨从阴森的天空倾泻而下;人群在湿滑的地面上不停地向前冲去,我和那几个人拼命地把头扭过来;然后响起了一声可怕的叫喊。这是吉米·里德说的,因为在正前方的两棵树苗之间是霍根的孩子。 I owned not man or devil, I had not prayed since when, But I called upon the blessed Lord to show His mercy then; I shut my eyes and ground my teeth, the end I dared not see Great God! The cattle ? a thousand head ? were crashing through the trees. "God pity us bush children in our darkest hour of need," Were the words I prayed although I followed neither church or creed. Then my right-hand 'man was shouting, the faithful Jimmy Rild, "Did you see it, Harry, see the way he saved that child?" "Saved! Saved, did you say?" and I shot upright with a bound, "Yes, saved," he said, "indeed old man, the child is safe and sound. I was feeling pretty shaky and was gazing up the track, Just then a pony galloped, the kid hopped on its back. "A blinding Bash of lightning then the thunder's rolling crack; With two hands clasped upon his mane he raced towards the shack." "Good heavens, man," I shouted then, "if that is truly so, To blazes with the cattle, to the shanty we must go." We reached Bill Hogan's shanty in fifteen minutes' ride, Then left our horses standing and wildly rushed inside. The little child was there unhurt but shivering with fear, And Hogan told us, "Yes, thank God, there's the pony brought her here." There's a little worn-out pony just this side of Hogan's shack With a snip upon his nuzzle and a mark upon his back; Just a common little pony is what most people say, But I doubt if there's his equal in the pony world today.