


“在马具之下,他的心被最锋利的矛击中;没有任何避难所可以躲避地狱恶魔的邪恶命令。他所拥有的时间似乎太少了。他贪婪而冷酷,没有金戒指来补偿他的骄傲;那应许的未来忘记了他,抛弃了他,连同上帝赐予他的一切,神奇的巫师,财富和名誉。然而终有一天,脆弱的身躯屈服了,命运倒下了;接着又有一个人兴高采烈地分珠宝,分王室的财富,也不分他祖先的财产。那么,亲爱的贝奥武夫,最好的人,最好的人选择,永远受益吧;收起你的骄傲吧,著名的勇士!你的力量之花现在只会持续一段时间,但长久以来,你的力量将被疾病或刀剑所削弱,或是烈火的毒牙,或是汹涌的巨浪,或是刀刃的咬伤,或是挥舞的长矛,或是可憎的岁月。 or the eyes'clear beam wax dull and darken: Death even thee in haste shall o'erwhelm, thou hero of war! So the Ring-Danes these half-years a hundred I ruled, wielded 'neath welkin, and warded them bravely from mighty-ones many o'er middle-earth, from spear and sword, till it seemed for me no foe could be found under fold of the sky. Lo, sudden the shift! To me seated secure came grief for joy when Grendel began to harry my home, the hellish foe; for those ruthless raids, unresting I suffered heart-sorrow heavy. Heaven be thanked, Lord Eternal, for life extended that I on this head all hewn and bloody, after long evil, with eyes may gaze! -- Go to the bench now! Be glad at banquet, warrior worthy! A wealth of treasure at dawn of day, be dealt between us!" Glad was the Geats'lord, going betimes to seek his seat, as the Sage commanded. Afresh, as before, for the famed-in-battle, for the band of the hall, was a banquet dight nobly anew. The Night-Helm darkened dusk o'er the drinkers. The doughty ones rose: for the hoary-headed would hasten to rest, aged Scylding; and eager the Geat, shield-fighter sturdy, for sleeping yearned. Him wander-weary, warrior-guest from far, a hall-thane heralded forth, who by custom courtly cared for all needs of a thane as in those old days warrior-wanderers wont to have. So slumbered the stout-heart. Stately the hall rose gabled and gilt where the guest slept on till a raven black the rapture-of-heaven blithe-heart boded. Bright came flying shine after shadow. The swordsmen hastened, athelings all were eager homeward forth to fare; and far from thence the great-hearted guest would guide his keel. Bade then the hardy-one Hrunting be brought to the son of Ecglaf, the sword bade him take, excellent iron, and uttered his thanks for it, quoth that he counted it keen in battle, "war-friend" winsome: with words he slandered not edge of the blade: 'twas a big-hearted man! Now eager for parting and armed at point warriors waited, while went to his host that Darling of Danes. The doughty atheling to high-seat hastened and Hrothgar greeted.