


赫罗斯加带着斯基丁斯的头盔回答说:“我从前在他年轻的时候就认识他了。他年迈的父亲名叫艾格西奥,在家里,他把自己的独生女海瑟尔给了他。他们的后代大胆地来到这里寻找坚定的朋友。水手们也曾这样对我说过——他们把我的礼物送到吉阿什宫廷,在那里表示感谢——他的手握着三十个人的重量,在战斗中英勇无畏。感谢上帝的仁慈这个人派去了西方的丹麦人,正如我所知,去对抗格伦德尔的恐怖。我希望给这位好青年一枚金牌,以表彰他的英勇思想。你要速速吩咐弟兄们到我这里来。再加上这句话,他们是丹麦人的贵宾。”(伍尔夫加走到大厅门口)上面写着:“东丹麦的国王,我的主人向你传达了这个信息,他知道你的亲人,勇敢的英雄们,欢迎你们来到这里,越过大海的波涛!”你们可以穿军装行路,戴头盔问你们安。 but let here the battle-shields bide your parley, and wooden war-shafts wait its end." Uprose the mighty one, ringed with his men, brave band of thanes: some bode without, battle-gear guarding, as bade the chief. Then hied that troop where the herald led them, under Heorot's roof: [the hero strode,] hardy 'neath helm, till the hearth he neared. Beowulf spake, -- his breastplate gleamed, war-net woven by wit of the smith: -- "Thou Hrothgar, hail! Hygelac's I, kinsman and follower. Fame a plenty have I gained in youth! These Grendel-deeds I heard in my home-land heralded clear. Seafarers say how stands this hall, of buildings best, for your band of thanes empty and idle, when evening sun in the harbor of heaven is hidden away. So my vassals advised me well, -- brave and wise, the best of men, -- O sovran Hrothgar, to seek thee here, for my nerve and my might they knew full well. Themselves had seen me from slaughter come blood-flecked from foes, where five I bound, and that wild brood worsted. I' the waves I slew nicors by night, in need and peril avenging the Weders, whose woe they sought, -- crushing the grim ones. Grendel now, monster cruel, be mine to quell in single battle! So, from thee, thou sovran of the Shining-Danes, Scyldings'-bulwark, a boon I seek, -- and, Friend-of-the-folk, refuse it not, O Warriors'-shield, now I've wandered far, -- that I alone with my liegemen here, this hardy band, may Heorot purge! More I hear, that the monster dire, in his wanton mood, of weapons recks not; hence shall I scorn -- so Hygelac stay, king of my kindred, kind to me! -- brand or buckler to bear in the fight, gold-colored targe: but with gripe alone must I front the fiend and fight for life, foe against foe. Then faith be his in the doom of the Lord whom death shall take. Fain, I ween, if the fight he win, in this hall of gold my Geatish band will he fearless eat, -- as oft before, -- my noblest thanes. Nor need'st thou then to hide my head; for his shall I be, dyed in gore, if death must take me; and my blood-covered body he'll bear as prey, ruthless devour it, the roamer-lonely, with my life-blood redden his lair in the fen: no further for me need'st food prepare! To Hygelac send, if Hild should take me, best of war-weeds, warding my breast, armor excellent, heirloom of Hrethel and work of Wayland. Fares Wyrd as she must."