


人们说,正是在他的管家需要的时候,伯爵才表现出他高贵的品性、技巧、敏锐和持久的勇气。他不顾伤害,尽管他的手烧伤了,但他还是狠心地帮助了他的亲戚。他用刀击杀那可憎的兽,使它低一点;他的铁刀磨得锃亮锃亮;火焰开始熄灭,逐渐减弱。最后,国王又使出了他的聪明才智,拔出了战刀,一把锋利的刀刃挂在他的胸甲上,韦德尔家的头盔把那只虫子打得粉碎,把敌人打倒了,把它扔了出去。他们就这样杀了它,两个都是亲戚,两个都是朋友,一个伯爵的日子就这样危险了!——国王的英勇事迹是征服者的最后时刻,他在世界上的工作。原来是那条恶龙造成的伤口开始肿起来,痛起来;很快,他发现他的胸中有一种沸腾的、恶毒的、深深的毒痛。 The prince walked on, wise in his thought, to the wall of rock; then sat, and stared at the structure of giants, where arch of stone and steadfast column upheld forever that hall in earth. Yet here must the hand of the henchman peerless lave with water his winsome lord, the king and conqueror covered with blood, with struggle spent, and unspan his helmet. Beowulf spake in spite of his hurt, his mortal wound; full well he knew his portion now was past and gone of earthly bliss, and all had fled of his file of days, and death was near: "I would fain bestow on son of mine this gear of war, were given me now that any heir should after me come of my proper blood. This people I ruled fifty winters. No folk-king was there, none at all, of the neighboring clans who war would wage me with 'warriors'-friends' and threat me with horrors. At home I bided what fate might come, and I cared for mine own; feuds I sought not, nor falsely swore ever on oath. For all these things, though fatally wounded, fain am I! From the Ruler-of-Man no wrath shall seize me, when life from my frame must flee away, for killing of kinsmen! Now quickly go and gaze on that hoard 'neath the hoary rock, Wiglaf loved, now the worm lies low, sleeps, heart-sore, of his spoil bereaved. And fare in haste. I would fain behold the gorgeous heirlooms, golden store, have joy in the jewels and gems, lay down softlier for sight of this splendid hoard my life and the lordship I long have held."