


哀哉,我的良人,你欺哄我,把我弃绝。我长久以来,一直在你的陪伴中欢喜。合唱:绿袖是我所有的快乐,绿袖是我的快乐,绿袖是我金子般的心,除了绿袖小姐还有谁。我已准备好听从你的吩咐,答应你的要求。我已经付出了生命和土地,你的爱和善意。(合唱)我为你买了三顶精美的头巾,做工精美;我花了不少钱给你买了吃的和睡的。(合唱)我给你买了最好的衣服,最好的布料,我给你买了胸衣,所有这些钱我都花在你身上了。(副歌)你的绸罩衫,红白相间,上面绣着华丽的金子;你的森达尔小裙,我很高兴把你买下来。(合唱)你的金腰带是那么红,缀满了华丽的珍珠,这是别的姑娘所没有的,你却不爱我;(合唱)你的钱包,你的鞋,你那鲜艳的罪恶的刀,你的皮夹,你那华丽的帽子;伯格斯的衣服再好看也没有,你却不爱我。(合唱)你的深红色丝袜,膝上镶着金色,你的鞋白得像牛奶,你却不肯爱我。(合唱)你的袍子是粗绿的,你的缎袖挂在旁边:这使你成为我们收获的王后,可你却不肯爱我。 (Chorus) Thy garters fringed with the golde, And siluer aglets hanging by, Which made thee blithe for to beholde, And yet thou wouldst not loue me. (Chorus) My gayest gelding I thee gaue, To ride where euer liked thee, No Ladie euer was so braue, And yet thou wouldst not loue me. (Chorus) My men were clothed all in green, And they did euer wait on thee: Al this was gallant to be seen, and yet thou wouldst not loue me. (Chorus) They set thee vp, they took thee downe, they serued thee with humilitie, Thy foote might not once touch the ground, and yet thou wouldst not loue me. (Chorus) For euerie morning when thou rose, I sent thee dainties orderly: To cheare thy stomack from all woes, and yet thou wouldst not loue me. (Chorus) Thou couldst desire no earthly thing. But stil thou hadst it readily: Thy musicke still to play and sing, And yet thou wouldst not loue me. (Chorus) And who did pay for all this geare, that thou didst spend when pleased thee? Euen I that am reiected here, and thou disdainst to loue me. (Chorus) Wel, I wil pray to God on hie, that thou my constancie maist see: And that yet once before I die, thou wilt vouchsafe to loue me. (Chorus) Greensleeues now farewel adue, God I pray to prosper thee: For I am stil thy louer true, come once againe and loue me. Chorus: Greensleeues was all my ioy, Greensleeues was my delight: Greensleeues was my heart of gold, And who but Ladie Greensleeues.