


那天,我的血液里燃烧着一团火;我本可以歌唱,欢乐将我包围;我遇到的男人似乎都很好,我几乎不知道我踩了地。所有的辛苦似乎都很容易!我笑了,想到我曾经讨厌它。阳光如美酒般摇曳,我畅饮着神圣而无限的喜悦。这一天并不太长;我感到很有耐心;我可以等,我很确定。于是,歌声中的小时,奏出了我命运的分分秒秒。 For she was coming, she, at last, I knew: I knew that bolts and bars Could stay her not; my heart throbbed fast, I was not more certain of the stars. The twilight came, grew deeper; now The hour struck, minutes passed, and still The passionate fervour of her vow Ran in my heart's ear audible. I had no doubt at all: I knew That she would come, and I was then Most certain, while the minutes flew: Ah, how I scorned all other men! Next moment! Ah! it was--was not! I heard the stillness of the street. Night came. The stars had not forgot. The moonlight fell about my feet. So I rebuked my heart, and said: "Be still, for she is coming, see, Next moment--coming. Ah, her tread, I hear her coming--it is she!" And then a woman passed. The hour Rang heavily along the air. I had no hope, I had no power To think--for thought was but despair. A thing had happened. What? My brain Dared not so much as guess the thing. And yet the sun would rise again Next morning! I stood marvelling.