


是的,我为我的新欢又造了一个花园:我把死玫瑰留在原地,把新玫瑰放在上面。为什么我的夏天还没有开始?我的心为何不急促?我的旧爱回来了?把花园荒废了。她进入吗?她带着疲惫的微笑,一如既往;她看上去怎么样?呆一会儿,颤抖一下?她逝去的触摸对所有人都是死亡,她逝去的目光是枯萎; She made the white rose-petals fall, And turn?d the red rose white. Her pale robe clinging to the grass Seem?d like a snake That bit the grass and grounds, alas! And a sad trail did make. She went up slowly to the gate, And then, just as of yore, She turn?d back at the last to wait And say farewell once more.