


耶稣,既然我与你合而为一,请坚定我在你里面的灵魂,并继续践踏我里面罪恶的人。不要让狡猾的敌人在我这虚弱的时刻占上风,挫败地狱的所有希望,从撒旦的力量中救赎出来。耶和华阿、求你用神的公义、从头到脚武装我。我的灵魂在耶稣里牢牢扎根,把救主封在我的手里。与我下面的痛苦成比例,哦,让我的快乐增加,让我的灵魂得到怜悯,像和平的治愈之流。愿你是我的上帝,无论生死,我都无比安全:你慈父的杖扶持着我,用你的杖扶持着我。救主啊,任凭你怎样处置我吧,请赐给我力量,使我能承受;你仁慈的手,这十字架所施的,是不能严厉的。我要炼出金子,在忧伤的炉中熬炼;远离忠诚和怀疑,完全被净化。当我悲痛欲绝时,我从坑中呼求,求耶稣代替我受苦,求你医治我的眼睛。 When marr'd with tears, and blood, and sweat, The glorious sufferer lay, And in my stead sustain'd the heat And burden of the day. The pangs which my weak nature knows Are swallow'd up in thine: How numberless thy pondrous woes! How few, how light are mine! O might I learn of thee to bear Temptation, pain and loss! Give me a heart inur'd to prayer, And fitted to the cross. Make me, O Lord, thy patient son; Thy language mine shall be: "Father, thy gracious will be done, I take the cup from thee." While thus my soul is fixt on him Once fasten'd to the wood, Safe shall I pass through Jordan's stream, And reach the realms of God. And when my soul mounts up to keep With thee the marriage feast, I shall not die, but fall asleep On my Redeemer's breast.