


沿着长满草的小路,我们迷路了,夜樱草开了?他们的黄眼睛望着她,那些患了相思病的百合花嫉妒得垂头丧气,她宁愿选择一朵奶油花瓣的玫瑰,把它靠在她乌黑的头发上,在花园的集市上。一阵慵懒的微风,抓着偷来的柳条花的香味,在她耳边叹息着他的渴望,随着他最后的喘息,把香气撒在她脚边,与其他芳香混合在一起;他爱她,但她不在乎,在花园的集市上。她尊敬的玫瑰点点头,他的同伴们怒不可遏:可怜的傻瓜!他不知道自己注定只能勉强撑过这一夜;你们的心对她不过是那朵花,一时的玩物,在那花场里,把所有的人都撕碎,决不放过。我握着她的手,想在她的掌心追寻她的命运;一束比其他的更大胆的月光爬上来,吻了她的胳膊,吻了一次,又不愿离开,于是躲进了搂着她柔弱的胳膊的袖子里,白而赤裸,在花园的集市上。我追踪了她的命运:爱情和财富-怎么了? life, alas! was short, But will that wealth be bought with love? Or love with wealth be bought? I know not, knowing only this - Her hand seemed waiting for a kiss, I longed to, but I did not dare All in that garden fair. But she, alas! is not for me, And I am not for her; Yet ever deep within my thoughts A faint regret must stir A thrill of longing - that among Those moonlit paths with lover's tongue I might return, and woo her there All in that garden fair.