


歌手,你知道澳大利亚在哪里吗?这些肮脏的农场和无趣的工厂,恶臭的矿井和苍白的悲伤的小巷?那些丑陋的城镇和城市,像这些,熏香散发出所有不值得的力量,所有古老的罪恶都盛开着邪恶的花朵?不!她所生的孩子还在生,她是我们要建造的殿,世世代代为她预备了很久,她是将要应验的预言。我们在古老的土地上所热爱的一切,都是她很久以前到来的信号!培根预见到了她,坎帕内拉,莫尔,还有柏拉图?她的眼睛闪烁着她的星光!谁为真理辛劳,什么?无论他们的国家在哪里,他们为自由而战,他们渴望自由!没有海盗?s gathering ground, nor tryst for schemers, No chapman Carthage to a huckster Tyre, She is the Eldorado of old dreamers, The Sleeping Beauty of the world?s desire. She is the scroll on which we are to write Mythologies our own and epics new: She is the port of our propitious flight From Ur idolatrous and Pharaoh?s crew. She is our own, unstained, if worthy we, By dream, or god, or star we would not see: Her crystal beams all but the eagle dazzle. Her wind-wide ways none but the strong-winged sail: She is Eutopia, she is Hy-Brasil, The watchers on the tower of morning hail! Yet she shall be as we, the Potter, mould: Altar or tomb, as we aspire, despair: What wine we bring shall she, the chalice, hold: What word we write shall she, the script, declare: Bandage our eyes, she shall be Memphis, Spain: Barter our souls, she shall be Tyre again: And if we pour on her the red oblation, All o?er the world shall Asshur?s buzzards throng: Love-lit, her Chaos shall become Creation: And dewed with dream, her silence flower in song.