

  • 时间1876 - 1938
  • 的地方


诗人兼记者C·J·丹尼斯于1876年9月7日出生在南澳大利亚的奥本,他被命名为克拉伦斯·迈克尔·詹姆斯,后来被确认为斯坦尼斯劳斯。他更喜欢大家叫他登。在格拉德斯通、劳拉和阿德莱德接受正规教育后,丹尼斯从事过许多不同的工作,如律师助理、《评论家》(阿德莱德的一份周刊)的职员和酒店酒招待。1898年,他的一些早期诗歌发表在《评论家》杂志上。1901年,丹尼斯重新加入《评论家》,1904-1905年担任主编。一年后的1906年2月,他和A.E.马丁一起创办了《牛虻》杂志,这是一份快乐的恶意周刊。1907年底,丹尼斯来到墨尔本,成为一名自由记者;一位朋友向他介绍了图兰吉,墨尔本以东70公里的一个小镇。他在图兰吉度过了他生命中剩下的三十年的大部分时间,他的一生主要是在墨尔本为多家报纸工作,写特写文章,经常为《公报》和其他杂志撰稿,并写诗。博金宝官网1913年,丹尼斯出版了一本名为《Backblock ballads and other verses》的书,但在经济上并不成功。 Immediate success was achieved with "The Songs of a sentimental bloke", a love story, written in slang, published in October 1915. Three editions were required in 1915, and nine in 1916; by 1976 fifty-seven editions had been published in Australia, England, USA and Canada. Other works quickly followed, among them "The Singing Garden" (1935) which shows the poet at his serious best. Dennis was described as "tall enough to look a small man straight in the eyes. He is of slight but enduring physique, and the lines about his clean-shaven mouth prove that he has learned patience and does not despair of learning wisdom. An aquiline nose and slate grey eyes give his face the quaint suggestion of a philosophic diagram, while a half-hidden twinkle suggests that it may have a humorous footnote. Dark hair is brushed straight back". (Australian Dictionary of Biography, vol.8, p.287). In 1917 he married Olive Harriet; there were no children. C.J. Dennis died in Melbourne on 22 June 1938, his wife Olive surviving him until 1968.